osint-dev-team / osint-framework

:fork_and_knife: All-in-one OSINT-RECON Swiss Knife
GNU General Public License v2.0
32 stars 4 forks source link
automation docker docker-compose framework information-gathering information-gathering-tools osint osint-framework osint-tools postgresql python rabbitmq recon recon-framework recon-tools reconnaissance

OSINT Framework

Required OS Python3 Version License Code Style Last Commit

:fork_and_knife: All-in-one OSINT/RECON Swiss Knife

OSINT Framework Logo


OSINT Framework CLI interface

CLI interface



virtualenv -p python3 venv (or python3 -m venv venv)
source venv/bin/activate
# see "macOS Prerequisites" if required
pip3 install -r requirements.txt

macOS Prerequisites

For macOS, additional pre-steps after venv activation are required. Install postgresql and cryptographic dependencies:

brew install postgresql pkg-config libffi
brew link openssl

Set the following paths based on the "link" command output and libffi installation notes:

For compilers to find openssl@1.1 you may need to set:
  export LDFLAGS="-L/usr/local/opt/openssl@1.1/lib"
  export CPPFLAGS="-I/usr/local/opt/openssl@1.1/include"
For compilers to find libffi you may need to set:
  export LDFLAGS="-L/usr/local/opt/libffi/lib"
  export CPPFLAGS="-I/usr/local/opt/libffi/include"

You need to combine these flags together and execute the following commands:

export LDFLAGS="-L/usr/local/opt/openssl@1.1/lib -L/usr/local/opt/libffi/lib"
export CPPFLAGS="-I/usr/local/opt/openssl@1.1/include -I/usr/local/opt/libffi/include"

Also, install wheel to build pycares in the venv environment:

pip3 install wheel


make tests


As a framework

To run the framework with a command-line interface:

python3 cli.py -h

As a REST API web service

OSINT Framework Docker usage

To run the framework as a web service via docker and docker-compose:

make up_log


docker-compose up --scale consumer=5

As a separated module


python3 -m src.scripts.<category>.<name> any_arguments_here

Example command:

python3 -m src.scripts.other.user_greeting JohnDoe

Example output:

{'message': "Successfully finished! (args: (), kwargs: {'username': "
 'result': 'Hello, JohnDoe!',
 'status': 'success'}

REST API web service usage

  1. Create the task:
    POST /api/tasks/create HTTP/1.1
    Host: localhost:8888
    Content-Type: application/json

[ { "case": "base", "name": "testname-profile", "description": "Base example for 'testname' user profile", "kwargs": { "username": "testname", "email": "testmail@gmail.com", "fullname": "Test Name" } }, { "case": "osint", "name": "johndoe-profile", "description": "Osint example for 'johndoe' user profile", "kwargs": { "username": "johndoe", "email": "johndoe@gmail.com", "fullname": "John Doe" } }, { "case": "recon", "name": "facebook-website", "description": "Recon example for 'facebook.com' website", "kwargs": { "url": "https://facebook.com" } }, { "case": "recon", "name": "vk-website", "description": "Recon example for 'vk.com' website", "kwargs": { "url": "https://vk.com" } }, { "case": "recon", "name": "mail-website", "description": "Recon example for 'mail.ru' website", "kwargs": { "url": "https://mail.ru" } }, { "case": "recon", "name": "8-8-8-8-host", "description": "Recon example for '' host", "kwargs": { "ip": "" } }, { "case": "recon", "name": "92-63-64-162-host", "description": "Recon example for '' host", "kwargs": { "ip": "" } }, { "case": "recon", "name": "13-91-95-74-host", "description": "Recon example for '' host", "kwargs": { "ip": "" } }, { "case": "recon", "name": "87-240-190-78-host", "description": "Recon example for '' host", "kwargs": { "ip": "" } }, { "case": "osint", "name": "phone-check", "description": "check information about the phone number", "kwargs": { "phone": 89138111111 } } ]

2. Check tasks status:
GET /api/tasks/list HTTP/1.1
Host: localhost:8888
  1. Get the results when the task is done:
    GET /api/results?task_id=<YOUR_TASK_ID> HTTP/1.1
    Host: localhost:8888

Create your own script

Use the following structure:

  1. Create your own module directory in the following way:
  2. Provide the following structure of your script directory:
    ├── requirements.txt - provide required libraries
    ├── __init__.py      - use this module to set the default parent directory (you can copy this file from any other script)
    ├── __main__.py      - use this module to provide some basic interface to use your script as a module (the same as if __name__ == "__main__")
    ├── module.py        - use this module to describe the basic logic of your module (you can import it in the __main__.py to provide interface)
    └── test_module.py   - use this module for unittest tests
  3. Create the __init__.py file. An example of the __init__.py boilerplate structure can be seen below:
    import sys
    from pathlib import Path

__root_dir = Path(file).parents[4] sys.path.append(str(__root_dir))

4. Create the `__main__.py` file. An example of the `__main__.py` boilerplate structure can be seen below:
#!/usr/bin/env python3

from pprint import pprint
from sys import argv

from src.core.utils.module import run_module
from .module import Runner

result = run_module(Runner, args=argv, arg_name="username", arg_default="johndoe")
  1. Create the module itself. An example of the basic module.py file can be seen below:
    #!/usr/bin/env python3

Import any required runner

1. OsintRunner - for OSINT scripts

2. ReconRunner - for RECON scripts

3. BaseRunner - for out-of-scope scripts ("other")

from src.core.base.osint import OsintRunner, BaseRunner, ReconRunner, PossibleKeys

Import 'ScriptResponse' to return good responses from the module, like

1. ScriptResponse.success - if everything is good

2. ScriptResponse.error - if everything is bad

from src.core.utils.response import ScriptResponse

Validate your named arguments. For example, this validator

will raise 'KeyError' if you will try to put 'hostname' argument

into the 'OsintRunner' runner, and so on

from src.core.utils.validators import validate_kwargs

You can use OsintRunner, ReconRunner or BaseRunner as the base class

class Runner(OsintRunner): """ Basic script example """

# Define required arguments here 
required = ["my_argument"]

def __init__(self, logger: str = __name__):
    Re-init base class instance with this function.
    Simply put, you need to provide proper logger name
    to the parent class, so please, save this structure for
    the init function.
    :param logger: logger to use (name of _this_ runner by default)
    super(Runner, self).__init__(logger)

# Validate input arguments (if you need some validation)
def run(self, *args, **kwargs) -> ScriptResponse.success or ScriptResponse.error:
    The main '.run()' function to run your script. 
    Note: this function is always synchronous, without any
    async/await init. You can use 'asyncio.run(...)' here,
    but don't put any 'async' before function definition
    :param args: args that you provide (not used for now)
    :param kwargs: kwargs that you provide (required to run something!)
    :return: ScriptResponse message (error or success)
    argument = kwargs.get("my_argument", "Arguments were not provided!")
    return ScriptResponse.success(message=f"Script finished with argument {argument}")

6. For `test_module.py` you can use any required tests (as you wish). A test case for your module is required to keep the project clean.