osm-fr / ansible-scripts

Ansible commands for servers handled by Openstreetmap-France
GNU General Public License v2.0
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Ansible scripts to handle OSM-FR machines

This repository contains various scripts to setup and configure machines handled by OSM-FR association (a french association for OpenStreetMap). These scripts are used with ansible.

Installing dependencies

Installing on Debian

A version of ansible >= 2.3 is sufficient, and is available in Debian, or from git repository. To install all dependency on Debian, use:

  apt-get install ansible

To install VM through proxmox, python promoxer module is necessary, It can be installed with:

  apt-get install python3-proxmoxer

Installing using venv

venv module creates isolated Python environments.

First of all, install the required packages. On Debian, use:

  apt-get install python3 python3-venv

You can jump into a new isolated environments using:

  python3 -m venv <folder>      # Create the environment, only needs to be done once
  source <folder>/bin/activate  # Run a subshell using the environment 

Then, install the required packages:

  pip install -r requirements.txt

Note: The created environment folder should be placed outside this project folder to prevent ansible-lint from looking at it.

Using ansible scripts

Installation and configuration of a new VM with proxmox

  1. launch ./tools/add-vm.py to update file hosts and create proxmox configuration. Command line options are available to change parameters like number of cpus or size of disk.
  2. set shell variables PROXMOX_PASSWORD and PROXMOX_SSHPUBKEY
  3. launch following command to create VM, configure network on host for ipv6 access, and update local /etc/hosts to access VM before DNS update:
    ansible-playbook -u root -l <hostname> common.yml

Configuration of a new machine with default configuration

  1. add the machine to file hosts, in section [vm] if it is a virtual machine, at the top otherwise.
  2. launch following command:
    ansible-playbook -l <hostname> common.yml

Adding a new user to a specific machine

  1. add the machine to file hosts, in the relevant section [user]
  2. if necessary, add the user to group_vars/all/accounts.yml, with the public ssh key in public\_keys/<user>
  3. launch following command:
    ansible-playbook -l <hostname> accounts.yml

Adding a service to a specific machine

  1. add the machine to file hosts, in the relevant section [service]
  2. launch following command:
    ansible-playbook -l <hostname> <service>.yml