osm-search / Nominatim-Data-Analyser-Frontend

Frontend of the QA Tool for Nominatim. Helps to improve the OpenStreetMap data quality and therefore the Nominatim search results.
GNU General Public License v2.0
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Zooming in with the mouse often doesn't load the vector layer #16

Open lonvia opened 3 years ago

lonvia commented 3 years ago

When I zoom into the map by pressing the Shift key and drawing a rectangle on the map with a mouse, the vector layers often don't get loaded correctly. Tore produce

I suspect that it happens when I hit a zoom level for which there are no vector tiles defined. Instead of loading the ones for the next lower level, it simply does nothing.

AntoJvlt commented 2 years ago

The example you gave with Praha works very well for me, do you still have the issue? Maybe this should be also tried with the new Svelte version

lonvia commented 2 years ago

I still see it with the svelte version. Does this link work for you in your local test development: http://localhost:5000/#map=18.22/50.09/14.42&layer=addr_street_wrong_name

AntoJvlt commented 2 years ago

Indeed this link doesn't work but the problem is not the same as the one you mentioned initially (I think). Here the problem is that the zoom level is way too big and we don't have vector tiles for them, we stop generating vector tiles before when we reach a zoom level where we display all the features anyways (no clusters). This means that the data get displayed if you zoom from top to bottom and not if you arrive on the page directly to a very big zoom level.

This is a bit tricky to fix, because depending on the global features repartition we don't know to which zoom level the last vector tile is generated for this feature.