osm-search / Nominatim-Data-Analyser-Frontend

Frontend of the QA Tool for Nominatim. Helps to improve the OpenStreetMap data quality and therefore the Nominatim search results.
GNU General Public License v2.0
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nominatim openstreetmap


The Nominatim Data Analyser is a QA tool used to scan the nominatim database and extract suspect data from it. These data are then presented to mappers through this webapp developed in Svelte. The repository of the main backend can be found here: Nominatim-Data-Analyser.

How to build

By default, the frontend will load its data from the official Nominatim QA service at https://qa-tile.nominatim.openstreetmap.org. If you want to use your own data, set the environment variable NOMINATIM_QA_WEBPATH to the URL of the QA service.

Building requires yarn2. If your system only ships with classic yarn (as with current Debian/Ubuntu distros), enable yarn2 by running the following commands from the root folder:

yarn set version berry
yarn set version stable

To build the app go into the root folder and run:

yarn install

This will install all the dependencies required by the app and then run:

yarn build

Then you need to serve the public/ folder with any webserver to access the app.