osm-search / Nominatim-Data-Analyser-Frontend

Frontend of the QA Tool for Nominatim. Helps to improve the OpenStreetMap data quality and therefore the Nominatim search results.
GNU General Public License v2.0
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Set layer URL via environment variable #37

Closed lonvia closed 2 years ago

lonvia commented 2 years ago

This uses the rollup virutal plugin to take the layer URL (formally WEB_PATH) from the (optional) environment variable NOMINATIM_QA_WEBPATH and inject it into the build process. This setup has the big advantage that it becomes a lot easier to switch between different QA tile servers (i.e. switching between my dev server and the official one).

I haven't rebuild the yarn.lock file because I'm on yarn 3.0 which seems to produce a completely different file. Furthermore I think that the json plugin can now be removed but I'm not entirely sure.