The Grails Sublime Text Package provides code completion, syntax highlighting and other tools to work with Grails.
Sublime Package Control is the recommended way to install this package. After installing package control, open the command palette (Tools -> Command Palette), start typing 'install' and use the arrow keys to select 'Package Control: Install Package' and hit enter. In a few seconds, a list of available packages will appear within the same menu. Start typing 'Grails', and once again use the arrow keys to select the Grails package. There should be no need to restart Sublime Text.
If you prefer to install without package control, use the standard method for installing Sublime Text packages. Make sure to get the source code from the latest tag, because master may become unstable at any time.
Code completions for Grails file types, with automatic file type detection (Controllers, Services, and Domain classes for now)
Enable comment toggling in Groovy code and use GSP comments (%{-- --}%
) in GSPs
GSP syntax highlighting
Grails documentation (GDoc) syntax highlighting and snippets
(Note: your color scheme might need to be adjusted to recognize the syntax highlighting changes)
After installing the package, files inside a grails project should automatically get the correct syntax highlighting. The syntax selected for the current file is shown in the bottom right corner of Sublime. If for some reason it isn't detected correctly, you can set the syntax to use per file by choosing from the menu: View -> Syntax -> Grails. These are the default assignments:
To toggle comments in Groovy and GSP files, just use the usual command provided by Sublime: Edit -> Comment -> Toggle Comment.
Code completion is also automatic. The available completions depend on the syntax. For example, open a domain class and start typing 'cons'. The suggestion 'constraints' should appear. By hitting enter, a constraints block will be inserted. Notice that the text 'property' is selected. This is a placeholder for you to fill in with an actual property name from your domain model. You can type the name and hit the tab key to move to the next placeholder, and so on.
Code completion within GSP files
Run Grails commands from the Sublime console (if possible)
Navegation between classes and their tests (through context menu maybe)
Code completions for TagLibs, Tests, and Jobs
Improve code completions when multiple parameter lists are possible
Update for Grails 3
Help us improve this plugin by reporting errors in the issue tracker. That's also the best way to ask questions or give us suggestions. If you modify the plugin, we'd love to get a pull request so we can share the improvements with everyone.
Arturo Herrero - @ArturoHerrero
Geli Crick - @g_crick
Thanks to OSOCO for providing us with time to work on this project!