The script in this repository is used to build the LLVM/Clang toolchain which is used in the osquery project to create portable binaries of it.
The procedure to build such a toolchain has been based on the build-anywhere project:
Following the main goals of the toolchain:
The rough steps used to achieve the above goals:
The version of crosstool-ng used is 1.24.0 The version of the GCC compiler built by crosstool-ng is 8.3.0 The version of the libc library built by crosstool-ng is 2.12.2 The version of LLVM/Clang built by the script is 11.0.0 The version of the zlib library built by the script is 1.2.11
Among other, the toolchain LLVM/Clang includes the clang static analyzer, scan-build, clang-format, clang-tidy.
Using a recent distribution with GCC 8 is suggested to reduce the possible crashes and issues that may happen when compiling
the portable GCC toolchain.
For the instructions we will use Ubuntu 18.04.
sudo apt install g++-8 gcc-8 automake autoconf gettext bison flex unzip help2man libtool-bin libncurses-dev make ninja-build patch txinfo gawk wget git texinfo xz-utils python
Then use update-alternatives
to tell the system that the version of GCC/G++ and CPP is the default we would like to use:
sudo update-alternatives --install /usr/bin/gcc gcc /usr/bin/gcc-8 20
sudo update-alternatives --install /usr/bin/g++ g++ /usr/bin/g++-8 20
sudo update-alternatives --install /usr/bin/cpp cpp /usr/bin/cpp-8 20
Download and install CMake 3.17.5
sudo tar xvf cmake-3.17.5-Linux-x86_64.tar.gz -C /usr/local --strip 1
The default configuration is ready to go, though if customization is needed, there are two files that can be modified: config and crosstool-ng-config.
The script has to be run as a normal user and accepts one argument, which is the folder where the various stages and the final toolchain will be built:
./ /opt/osquery-toolchain
This should output the sysroot under /opt/osquery-toolchain/final
and the LLVM toolchain will be under /opt/osquery-toolchain/final/sysroot/usr
tar -pcvJf osquery-toolchain-<VERSION>.tar.xz osquery-toolchain
Make sure that the osquery-toolchain-1.0.1.tar.xz
The generated tarball can then be uncompressed wherever you like on the target machine.
The toolchain defaults to using libc++ as the C++ standard library, compiler-rt as part of the builtins it needs, instead of relying on libgcc and lld as the linker; so these are implicit.
libc++abi has to be explicitly linked when compiling C++ with l:libc++abi.a
instead; merged with it there's also libunwind, which is therefore implicit.
Sometimes explicitly adding -ldl
and/or -lrt
is needed, depending on what functions the binary is using.
The only other flag that's needed is --sysroot=<sysroot path>
, so that the toolchain searches what it needs in the correct path.
If the compilation stops at any point in time, just relaunching the script should restart it.
The script doesn't delete anything when it restarts the build, so if you want to start clean from some substep, you need to do that manually.
So for more advanced troubleshooting, following the build example in general we have:
: here lives crosstool-ng source code, build, zlib source code, build and GCC/G++ toolchain compiled by crosstool-ng. The GCC/G++ toolchain folder is also copied on the next stages/opt/osquery-toolchain/stage1
: here lives the intermediate LLVM/Clang toolchain, together with a copy of the previous step GCC/G++ toolchain and it's used to build the final toolchain/opt/osquery-toolchain/final
: here lives the final sysroot containing only the LLVM/Clang toolchain we want to use/opt/osquery-toolchain/llvm
: here lives the source code for the LLVM/Clang and the various build folders for the LLVM build substepsThe script decides it has to build one of the stages if it doesn't find a specific file in one of the install folders (stage0, stage1, final).
/opt/osquery-toolchain/x86_64-osquery-linux-gnu/x86_64-osquery-linux-gnu/sysroot/usr/lib/clang/<clang version>/lib/linux/libclang_rt.builtins-x86_64.a
, because the install step is a single unit.