osrf / capabilities

Implements the concept of capabilities as part of the robots-in-concert system.
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Visualisation tools for capabilities and capability server #3

Closed bit-pirate closed 10 years ago

bit-pirate commented 11 years ago


bit-pirate commented 11 years ago

I envision a combined app manager/capability introspection tool with the following features:

If we decided to include an app manager interface, we should sync with the ROCON rqt plugins devs in order to design reusable components, e.g. they also plan to implement tools for starting/stopping rapps.

bit-pirate commented 11 years ago


wjwwood commented 11 years ago

There is only one thing I see as being an issue here, and that has to do with the availability of the spec files. If you call the ROS service /get_interfaces on the capability_server, it will return a list of strings which are the names of the capabilities registered there. This does not give the service caller any other information about this Capability Interface, like what it defines, or what its description is. It doesn't even given the package it is located in. So the tool which gets this information (the capability name), has two options for getting more information about the capability:

The former is more like what we have with topics, we declare a type by name and each side has to have a copy of the message. If the two copies don't match then there is an error. The latter is more sophisticated, but maybe it makes it easier for a user to introspect a system without having the required packages locally, at the cost of increased complexity.

bit-pirate commented 11 years ago

Hmm, I already envisioned the capabilities being defined in a way similar to ROS messages, but I'm curious about other ways, too. What is that extra information a user could get, if we implement this special query tool? Could you give me an example?

wjwwood commented 11 years ago

Nothing you can't already get if you have a local copy of the spec file. Honestly I would first approach this problem by sending the whole spec file text over a topic/service and parsing it with the existing API on the other side. So it would be exactly the same except you lose which package each spec came from.

bit-pirate commented 11 years ago

except you lose which package each spec came from.

What is not a problem, since it's the capability servers tasks to start/stop the capability.

I'm fine with your suggestion. Is there anything else we need to discuss at this point before you can start implementing this visualisation tool?

wjwwood commented 10 years ago

I don't think so, I am going to write a standalone capabilities tool, and strive to make the components in that reusable so that they can be used in the app manager gui too.

bit-pirate commented 10 years ago


I just added add the request for a stand-alone app manager widget to the rocon_rqt_plugins issues: https://github.com/robotics-in-concert/rocon_rqt_plugins/issues/10

wjwwood commented 10 years ago

I am developing it here:


wjwwood commented 10 years ago

I have the basic visualization implemented, but I still need to add starting and stopping the capabilities remotely.

wjwwood commented 10 years ago

screen shot 2013-08-07 at 6 00 26 pm

bit-pirate commented 10 years ago

Nice! Looking forward to test-drive this.

bit-pirate commented 10 years ago

Tested. Looking good.

wjwwood commented 10 years ago

Yeah, I have a prototype with remote starting/stopping and which shows the default parameter. I need to clean it up and make a pull request for it. I have been distracted by rostests for the main capabilities package today.

wjwwood commented 10 years ago

I have been thinking about different ways of visualizing this information, I mocked up some things real quick, does anyone have any preferences:


There are three different examples, left to right, and two different ways of visualizing the same data, above and below the solid black line.

EDIT: I fixed the direction of the default arrows

mikeferguson commented 10 years ago

While the bottom style might be easier to read initially (not sure that a circle inside a box really says "circle is implementation of box spec"), I think it will get VERY crowded in any real system, with lots and lots of implements lines running back to common specs. Therefore, I think the top design is probably more scalable, and probably a better choice.

wjwwood commented 10 years ago

I would also consider dropping the "default" arrow and using a "(default)" notation on the node, depending on what I can easily do with pydot. If I leave the arrow, I would reverse the direction so that the "default" arrow pointed from the Interface to the Provider, rather than the other way around.

wjwwood commented 10 years ago

@bit-pirate @stonier

wjwwood commented 10 years ago

@mikeferguson I tend to agree.

stonier commented 10 years ago

I prefer the first implementation of diagrams - shapes quickly convey meanings much faster than repeated text and arrows everywhere. For these shapes too it's very easy to quickly infer what they mean as it's very closely related to regular programming relationships.

wjwwood commented 10 years ago

Sorry, I had hoped to have something by now, but I am stuck on this crazy dot rendering issue:

screen shot 2013-10-01 at 2 32 34 pm

Where dot draws the label at the bottom of the subgraph, but our Qt rendering assumes it goes on the top always, but gets the node position from the dot output, causing them to be on top of each other. As far as I can tell there is no way to extract this information from the dot code... I am going to keep digging on it, but if I can't resolve this then I'll have to fall back on the directed graph only solution, which also gives suboptimal results from a layout standpoint.

bit-pirate commented 10 years ago

I agree with @stonier and @mikeferguson.

PS: Sorry for the late reply - was enjoying my holidays at the east sea ... :smile:

wjwwood commented 10 years ago

I have made a basic compromise in the layout:

screen shot 2013-10-08 at 6 21 10 pm

Basically I have an subgraph for each capability interface which does not have a label, then I have another node for the interface which has a label and peer nodes for providers which are elliptical and have the provider labels.

stonier commented 10 years ago

Compromise looks fine - how is the status of each component going to show up? i.e. running or not running.

wjwwood commented 10 years ago

Green will be running, black is not running, red on hover (mostly because I am still reusing parts of rqt_graph).

screen shot 2013-10-08 at 10 42 17 pm

There is a lot of room for improvement on the UX side of things, but for now I am still getting the basics working correctly.

wjwwood commented 10 years ago

Now with osrf/rqt_capabilities@3f4e8b44787f3723803a9ca469bbb33fe3518e74 I'd like to close this ticket and start tracking issues and enhancements on the https://github.com/osrf/rqt_capabilities/issues tracker.

bit-pirate commented 10 years ago

Looks good. Could start, stop, list capabilities be added?

bit-pirate commented 10 years ago

Sorry, skipped the comment about the new issue tracker. Posted the request there: https://github.com/osrf/rqt_capabilities/issues/3