osrf / gazebojs

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This project offers NodeJs bindings for the Gazebo simulator (http://www.gazebosim.org/)


In addition to Gazebo, you must also install:


Here are the steps for Xenial

mkdir simjs
cd simjs

# install node and gazebo
sudo apt install -y gazebo7 libgazebo7-dev libjansson-dev npm nodejs nodejs-legacy 

# setup an empty node project 
npm init -y
npm install gazebojs

Please take a moment to look at the tutorials: http://gazebosim.org/tutorials?cat=gazebojs

Ubuntu and node

In Ubuntu Trusty (14.04), the default version of Node is 0.10.x. In Ubuntu Xenial (16.04), the default version of Node is 4.2.x

Node 0.10 is compatible with Gazebo 4 to 6, while 4.2.x is required for Gazebo 7 and up. Please refer to the installation tutorial http://gazebosim.org/tutorials?tut=gazebojs_install&cat=gazebojs for more details on how to change your version of Node.