oss-for-surgtech / white-paper

:page_facing_up: > White paper: Open-Source Software for Surgical Technologies
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:page_facing_up: Open-Source Software for Surgical Technologies: Challenges and opportunities

Hamlyn Symposium on Medical Robotics [:link:](https://www.hamlynsymposium.org/events/open-source-software-for-surgical-technologies)

Aim of the white paper

The aim of the white paper, in a short-term goal, is to encourage people in the workshop to collaboratively contribute and edit the project to create a comprehensive and valuable resource that benefits the entire community.
Looking ahead, the long-term goal is to identify an appropriate venue where the white paper can be refined and prepared for submission. By taking this approach, If you have any thoughts, suggestions, or questions regarding this process, please do not hesitate to share them. Code, data and other resources to reproduce this work are available at https://github.com/oss-for-surgtech/white-paper.

How to contribute

  1. Please have a look to the current work in progress of the overleaf project.
  2. If you are still intersted to contribute to to the paper, please send me an email to m.xochicale@ucl.ac.uk or raise an issue.

Important dates

Clone repository


Thanks goes to all these people (emoji key):


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Stephen Thompson

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Miguel Xochicale
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This work follows the all-contributors specification.
Contributions of any kind welcome!