osu-cascades / neap

Online application system for the NeighborImpact Energy Assistance Program.
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NeighborImpact Energy Assistance Program

"NEAP" is NeighborImpact's online application for the federal Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP).


This is a Rails 5.x app with Ruby \~2.7, PostgreSQL, and AWS for storage.

After cloning this repository and cding into it, get up and running with:

bundle install rails db:setup rails s


There are a few steps to get up and running in development.

Customize .env

See .env.example for a complete list of expected environment variables.



This app is using minitest / Rails default tests. Run the suite with:

rails test

Note: There is a Guardfile should you wish to use guard.


There is a staging and production environment hosted by Heroku.

heroku git:remote -a nieap-staging
git remote rename heroku staging
heroku git:remote -a nieap
git remote rename heroku production

By renaming the remotes, you can then deploy with

git push staging
git push production

Configure env vars in staging and production:

Note: See .env.example for a complete list of expected environment variables that need set in both staging & production environments.

© 2020 Michael Widler, Amber Kolar and Yong Joseph Bakos. All rights reserved.