osu-cs493-sp22 / final-project-team-30

CS 493 Final Project Team 30
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Tarpaulin API

CS 493 Final Project - Team 30

Actions and Endpoints

Method Path Description
POST /users Create a new User.
POST /users/login Log in a User.
GET /users/{id} Fetch data about a specific User.
GET /courses Fetch the list of all Courses.
POST /courses Create a new course.
GET /courses/{id} Fetch data about a specific Course.
PATCH /courses/{id} Update data for a specific Course.
DELETE /courses/{id} Remove a specific Course from the database.
GET /courses/{id}/students Fetch a list of the students enrolled in the Course.
POST /courses/{id}/students Update enrollment for a Course.
GET /courses/{id}/roster Fetch a CSV file containing list of the students enrolled in the Course.
GET /courses/{id}/assignments Fetch a list of the Assignments for the Course.
POST /assignments Create a new Assignment.
GET /assignments/{id} Fetch data about a specific Assignment.
PATCH /assignments/{id}] Update data for a specific Assignment.
DELETE /assignments/{id} Remove a specific Assignment from the database.
GET /assignments/{id}/submission Fetch the list of all Submissions for an Assignment.
POST /assignments/{id}/submissions Create a new Submission for an Assignment.

Data Schema


// An object representing information about a Tarpaulin application user.
  // Full name of the User.
  name: string,

  // Email address for the User.  This is required to be unique among all Users.
  email: string,

  // The User's plain-text password.  This is required when creating a new User and when logging in.
  password: string,

  // Permission role of the User.  Can be either 'admin', 'instructor', or 'student'.
  role: string


// An object representing information about a specific course. 
  // Short subject code.
  subject: string,

  // Course number.
  number: string,

  // Course title.
  title: string,

  // Academic term in which Course is offered.
  term: string,

  // ID for Course instructor.  Exact type/format will depend on your implementation but will likely be either an integer or a string.  This ID must correspond to a User with the 'instructor' role. 
  instructorId: string



// An object representing information about a single assignment. 
  // ID of the Course associated with the Assignment.  Exact type/format will depend on your implementation but will likely be either an integer or a string.
  courseId: string,

  // Assignment description.
  title: string,

  // Possible points for the Assignment.
  points: integer,

  // Date and time Assignment is due.  Should be in ISO 8601 format. 
  due: string


// An object representing information about a single student submission for an Assignment.
  // ID of the Assignment to which the Submission corresponds.  Exact type/format will depend on your implementation but will likely be either an integer or a string.
  assignmentId: string,

  // ID of the Student who created the submission.  Exact type/format will depend on your implementation but will likely be either an integer or a string.
  studentId: string,

  // Date and time Submission was made.  Should be in ISO 8601 format.
  timestamp: string,

  // The grade, in points, assigned to the student for this sumbission, if one is assigned.  Should not be accepted during submission creation, only via update. 
  grade: number,

  // When the Submission is being created, this will be the binary data contained in the submitted file.  When Submission information is being returned from the API, this will contain the URL from which the file can be downloaded.
  file: string

Docker Compose

The docker compose specification for this project allows the API server to be spun up with any dependent services. Further, this specidication is geared towards development so it will mount you repository, install the node dependencies in it and monitor the directory for changes. This specifaction should be launched with:

$ docker-compose up

Should more dependencies be needed to complete a task, they can be installed by running a onetime service and install that dependency. This will also change your package.json file, so if you do not want to add it as an official project dependency make sure to include the --no-save option. This can be done by substituting your dependency for nodemon below:

$ docker-compose run api bash
> # npm install nodemon
> # npm install --no-save nodemon
> # exit

This development environment is mainly meant to handle changes to the api server and any files belonging to it. Should it not work, need to be changed or stopped, bringing the compose services down is important in making sure that there are not multiple verions of the same service running, which can be annoying:

$ docker-compose down

Branching Strategy

Having a branching strategy will allow us to efficiently work on a repository together without creating merge issues each time we commit code. Then we can create pull requests and approve major components as they are completed.

The GitHub Flow branching strategy was recommended and is simple and easy to manage for the scope of the assignment.

To do this I opened the README and added all of this nonsense, and then ran the following commands:

$ git checkout -B documentation
$ git add README.md 
$ git commit
$ git push -u origin documentation

After this, or whenever the changes are ready to be merged a pull request can be made on the Github repository page. If it is merged into the main branch and no more changes are needed, the branch can be deleted through Github (and locally).

Team Members

Name Github ONID Responsibilities
Garett Goodlake pyrothei goodlakg\@oregonstate.edu Course Entity Endpoint, Assignment Entity, Course Roster Download
Benjiman Walsh walshb421 walshb\@oregonstate.edu Docker and Docker Compose, Testing/Demo Workflow, Rate Limiting
Timur Ermoshkin ermoshkt ermoshkt\@oregonstate.edu Set up Basic API server and Directory Structure, Pagination, Example Data
Eric Hoang hoanger9 hoanger\@oregonstate.edu User Entity, User authentication, Submission entity