osuosl / iam

Invoicing and metrics project
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Invoicing and Metrics


Collect billable metrics from projects hosted at the OSL.


Design and research phase - 1-27-16

Development With docker

Invoicing and Metrics (iam) is developed in docker using docker-compose:

If you are working on a shared workstation: Set the COMPOSE_PROJECT_NAME variable. This name-spaces your containers so multiple users can develop independently on the same machine.

$ echo "export COMPOSE_PROJECT_NAME=$USER" >> ~/.bashrc
$ source ~/.bashrc # replace `.bashrc` with your shell's config file.

Note: If you have not set the docker group settings correctly you will need to add the above line to the root user's .bashrc or configure your host machine appropriately (or do things in a Virtual Machine).

Copy dockerfiles/app.env.dist to dockerfiles/app.env. There aren't any secrets in app.env.dist but you can put secret environment variables in app.env as it is not tracked by git.

Note: When you make changes to app.env be sure they are reflected in app.env.dist otherwise they will not be committed and people will have a hard time testing your changes in a pull request.

Next build the containers necessary for development.

$ docker-compose build
[... docker building output ...]

To start the application or log into the application's development environment run the following:

$ docker-compose run --rm --service-ports dev bash
Starting username_testing-mysql_1
Starting username_testing-psql_1
[root@e0c038378442 code]# rake    # this runs the application
Migrating to latest
Listening on, CTRL+C to stop
[root@e0c038378442 code]# rake spec   # this runs the tests
Finished in 15.6 seconds (files took 0.93519 seconds to load)
## examples, ## failures

Docker Files and Env Variables

docker-compose.yml    # Specifies services to be run.
dockerfiles/          # Houses all docker related files (except docker-compose.yml).
├── app               # Specifies the app/dev docker containers.
├── app.env           # Specifies static environment variables for the app container.
├── app.env.dist
├── centos-ruby       # Specifies the base container for the app image.
│                     # Pulled from dockerhub as a static container.
├── cleanup.sh        # Changes file permissions from root to $USER on shell exit.
│                     # Also deletes Gemfile.lock to avoid weird versioning bugs.
└── startup.sh        # general statup needs (dynamic env vars, etc).

Some Environment variables are set:

DATABASE_URL        # The path for a sqlite database file for testing.
CACHE_FILE          # The path for the application's cache.
POSTGRES_USER       # Default user for the postgres host.
POSTGRES_PASSWORD   # Default user's password for the postgres host.
POSTGRES_DB         # Default database for the postgres host.
MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD # Root password for the mysql host.
MYSQL_USER          # Default user for the myql host.
MYSQL_PASSWORD      # Default user's password for the mysql host.
MYSQL_DATABASE      # Default database for the mysql host.

If changes were made to the docker-compose.yml or dockerfiles/app.env or you just need to wipe away your docker environment as it is, run:

$ docker-compose kill
$ docker-compose rm

Running tests

$ docker-compose up dev
dev_1     | [...]
dev_1     | Finished in 15.66 seconds (files took 0.92976 seconds to load)
dev_1     | ## examples, ## failures
username_dev_1 exited with code 0

Note This will auto-magically do the following:

Development Without docker

If you do not want to / cannot install docker and docker-compose and instead want to run the service natively you can try installing the following packages with your system package manager:

Note: You may need to install ruby-2.3.0 from source. Here is a page that can help you install ruby-2.3.0. This may require the installation of the following dependencies:

Note: Using Ruby's gem package manager install bundle.

Next, clone the repo. Run this command in the directory that you use to store your source code and the Ruby dependencies.

$ git clone https://github.com/osuosl/iam.git /home/myuser/my-source-dir/iam
$ cd /home/myuser/my-source-dir/iam/
[~/my-source-dir/iam] $ bundle install
[... yay bundle! ...]

Note Unfortunately we are not able to help with getting postgresql and mysql up and running on your system, but there's plenty of tutorials that can help with that. For instance, the PostgreSQL documentation and the MySQL documentation.

If you have problems setting up IaM try the following:

Setting up the Environment

You'll need to add a few environment variables to your computer. Add the following the lines to your .bashrc:

export POSTGRES_PASSWORD=changeme   # your postgres password
export CACHE_FILE=/tmp/iam-cache    # Where you want to save the cache file to
export POSTGRES_HOST=      # Whatever your postgres host ip address is

and reload your shell with source ~/.bashrc.

Running tests

[~/my-source-dir/iam] $ rake spec
[... tests running ...]
Finished in 0.1669 seconds (files took 0.36978 seconds to load)
60 examples, 0 failures
[~/my-source-dir/iam] $ rake
Migrating to latest
/usr/local/bin/ruby app.rb
== Sinatra (v1.4.7) has taken the stage on 4567 for development with backup from Thin
Thin web server (v1.7.0 codename Dunder Mifflin)
Maximum connections set to 1024
Listening on localhost:4567, CTRL+C to stop


Problem: Running the app with rake spec or ruby app.rb you receive errors like:

Could not find parser- in any of the sources
Run `bundle install` to install missing gems.

This means that your Docker image has gem dependencies that are out of date.

To fix: Run

docker-compose build --no-cache

This will rebuild the container and rerun the command bundle install to refresh all the gems.

If you are not running in a docker container, just run bundle install like the error says.

Problem: docker or docker-compose does not work, or you get an error along the lines of:

$ docker-compose run dev bash
Could not find file <some file>
[root@9eea4caf7740 code]#

or you might get something like too many symbolic links.

To Fix: Just exit the docker environment and run

$ sudo systemctl restart docker

to restart the docker service; this fixes the above problem 99% of the time.

If you have any other issues not mentioned in this README, take a look at our docs. If you still don't see anything that answers your questions in the docs make an issue on this repository and we'll try to help out.

Problem:: The following output occurs when you run rake spec or try to reach a database server:

[... one long line ...]
/usr/local/lib/ruby/gems/2.3.0/gems/sequel-4.33.0/lib/sequel/adapters/mysql.rb:102:in `real_connect': Mysql::Error: Can't connect to MySQL server on 'testing-mysql' (111) (Sequel::DatabaseConnectionError)
    from /usr/local/lib/ruby/gems/2.3.0/gems/sequel-4.33.0/lib/sequel/adapters/mysql.rb:102:in `connect'
[... many lines of traceback ...]

This could mean one of a few things:

  1. Your database host is not yet ready to receive connections.
  2. Your environment is not yet setup correctly.

To Fix:

  1. Wait up to a minute and try again. The host will eventually start and you will be able to complete your task.
  2. If you have already waited and the same error occurs do the following:
    • Verify that dockerfiles/app.env is up to date (and dockerfiles/app.env.dist)
    • Rebuild your docker containers by logging out of the dev container and running the following commands on your workstation in the iam directory before picking up where you left off:
$ docker-compose kill
$ docker-compose rm
$ docker-compose build