Do something nice before X-mas!
This is just a spare time project with the initial version hacked in merely 2 days on Nov 4, 2020 and Nov 5, 2020 while the world was eager to learn who'd be the next president of the USA and I needed something to do while tracking the latest poll results ;-)
It still lacks proper a11y support, was not tested on anything but Chrome and may still have bugs - but feel free to improve the code!
Clone this repository with git and check out the branch that you are interested in (or choose the branch first and then download the archive, but learning how to use git really makes sense).
Change to the repository directory and run
npm install
to install required modules. Afterwards, you can build the project using
npm run build
or, if you want to let everything be built continuously while you are making changes to the code, run
npm run watch
Before putting the code in production, you should always run npm run build
The build process will transpile ES6 to earlier versions in order to improve compatibility to older browsers. If you want to use particular functions that some browsers don't support, you'll have to add a polyfill.
The build process will also move the source files into one distribution file and minify the code.