I was of several minds on what to name this. python.(?:pep621|pyproject.toml)?? I feel like naming should be consistent between module, class, registered name, and PROJECT_TYPE, I kinda like python[-_]pep621,but feels like it's maybe too esoteric a name, what would you prefer?
Apparently an
mention doesn't work in tyler-jachetta land, @otakup0pe , but, as I asked here: https://github.com/tyler-jachetta/avakas/commit/daedcfa43b6524310315cccffdd5dc4929f0371f,I was of several minds on what to name this.
? I feel like naming should be consistent between module, class, registered name, andPROJECT_TYPE
, I kinda like python[-_]pep621,but feels like it's maybe too esoteric a name, what would you prefer?