otakup0pe / avakas

Tooling to assist with Semantic Version Manipulation and Representation
MIT License
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opinion rituals semver truth




This script provides a simple interface around viewing and manipulating project version metadata. It may be used to either bump, set, or view the version information for the project in a given directory. It is written with semantic versioning in mind.

It currently does it's best to determine whether the given directory contains a NodeJS, Erlang, Chef Cookbook, or Ansible project before just settling on keeping the version in a file named version. If a NodeJS project is discovered then the package.json will be edited. If an Ansible project is discovered then no files will be modified but the tags will still be handled. The Erlang detection is limited to OTP apps, and avakas will attempt to edit a rebar style foo.app.src. If a Chef Cookbook is discovered then avakas will attempt to modify the version attribute in metadata.rb.

The avakas tool makes a few assumptions

The avakas tool supports the following types of version files



This mode will return the current version for a given project. The following will show the current Public API version. This operation supports an additional --build argument, which will cause it to extend the version set in source control with build-time metadata. It also supports the --pre-build argument, which does the same thing on top of the prerelease field, because all kinds of package management systems do not actually support the build semantic version component.

It is possible to override this default pre-build behavior. The --pre-build-date option will include the current date (down to the second) as a string. The --pre-build-prefix=foo option will include a string prefix. It is possible to include both pre-build and build information, but only if you specify a prefix or include the date in prebuild.

avakas show $HOME/projects/hal9000


This mode will set an explicit version. Note that the string must be a valid semantic version.

avakas set $HOME/projects/hal9000 2.0.0


This mode will automatically update the version based on the input provided. It has four modes of operation.


When the auto option is selected, the system will use hints in the git log since the last version bump to determine if the version should be changed. These hints can be specified at any point in the commit message. The hints are specified, prefixed by bump:. For example, the following commit message would result in a minor version bump if it is subsequently "autobumped".

$ avakas show .
$ git commit -am "hello this is a release\nbump:minor"
$ avakas bump . auto
Version updated from 0.0.1 to 0.1.0

Avakas can also rely on a default bump version to ensure every invocation of Avakas generates a bump build. If a bump hint is not detected within the commit history, the defined defualt-bump level will be used. This is useful for CI/CD systems.

avakas bump . auto --default-bump patch



A prefix to use with the version. Generally used for non-semantic version compliant v1.0 style version strings.


The authoritative mainline branch of your project. This is also used to compare for prereleases.


The git remote origin to push changes to.


The filename to use for generating a version file.


Flavor of project (Presently: legacy|chef|ansible|nodejs|erlang).


Whether to apply semantic version compliant build metadata to the version. (Example: 1.0.0+4c5fa2.1)


Skip checking if local repo is dirty.


Skip committing generated version files.


Run git hooks during operations.


Will not push to git.


Will attempt to generate a prerelease version. (Example: 1.0.0-1)


Will attach the data to the prerelease identifiers. (Example: 1.0.0-1.20201220)


Will use a prefix for the prerelease. (Example: 1.0.0-alpha.1)


You can use avakas as a Docker container as well. It supports either static SSH keys or the SSH Agent. It seems like the SSH agent only works on Linux though. The Docker entrypoint should setup your SSH environment on the set and bump avakas actions.

You can map a folder to /etc/avakas for static SSH or Git environment configuration. If the file avakasrc is present in /etc/avakas it will be sourced prior to running avakas. A common use case here is to export the GIT_AUTHOR_NAME and GIT_AUTHOR_EMAIL environment variables.

In all cases, you will want to map a source project into a folder and point avakas at it. The following example (running on Linux with SSH Agent forwarding) would bump the patch portion of the version in the current directory.

$ docker run -t -v $(pwd):/app -v $SSH_AUTH_SOCK:/ssh-agent -e SSH_AUTH_SOCK=/ssh-agent otakup0pe/avakas bump /app patch

The next example (running on OSX) would set the version explicitly in the current directory. Note how we need to setup a working folder to map /etc/avakas against.

$ mkdir -p /tmp/ssh-avakas-working
$ cp ~/.ssh/id_rsa /tmp/ssh-avakas-working
$ docker run  -v $(pwd):/app -v /tmp/ssh-avakas-working:/etc/avakas otakup0pe/avakas set /app 0.0.1


Local Testing

make test_in_containers will run all integration tests against all supported minor versions of Python. It does not currently run any style or lint tests, and the coverage report it generates points to an absolute path on the container (/src/) and is therefore not terribly useful, but it does run all of the integration tests (the other tests and output are planned to be added).

make test will work to run tests against whatever version of Python is python3 on your host. It also runs style and lint checks, and generates a coverage report from the integration tests.




The avakas tool was created by Jonathan Freedman and has seen several collaborators along the way.