otekolste / answer-hive

MIT License
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Answer Hive


A dynamic and interactive Q&A form application where users can ask questions, provide answers, and engage in community-driven discussions. This application facilitates knowledge sharing and community support by allowing users to interact with each other through a simple and intuitive interface.


Table of Contents


Tech Stack

Frontend: HTML, CSS, JavaScript, React Backend: Node.js, Express Database: PostgrSQL Hosting: Deployed on Render


  1. Install Node.js
  2. Install npm (Node Package Manager)
  3. Set Environment Variables via .env file
  4. Run the Application by running npm start


AnswerHive can be used by anyone with a question that needs an answer.

Shows homepage

Ask a Question: Click on the "Ask Question" button, fill in the form, and submit your question.

Answer a Question: Browse through the questions, select one, and provide your answer.

Shows New Questions Form

Search: Use the search bar to find specific questions.

Shows search bar


This project is licensed under the MIT license.


Portions of this code is sourced from the below:

Packages used:




If you have any questions you can contact us via the above Github usernames.

Code source location