othema / bereal-python

A python wrapper for the BeReal API
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Bereal API


For now, you have to manually download the bereal/ folder and add it to your project to use the API.

  1. Download this repository (git clone https://github.com/othema/bereal-python.git)
  2. Move the bereal/ folder to your project


All functions of the API are rooted in the BeReal() class. To start, instantiate it somewhere in your code.

from bereal import BeReal

bereal = BeReal()


To use any functions of the API you must login first. There are two ways of doing this.

Login through phone verification

You would use this method if you haven't already logged in.

from bereal import BeReal

bereal = BeReal()
bereal.login.send_code("<your phone number>")
bereal.login.verify_code(input("Enter verification code: "))

Login through saved ID's

You would use this method if you have already logged in the user and you don't want to send another verification code.

from bereal import BeReal

bereal = BeReal()
    "<your token>",
    "<your refresh token>"

Your token and refresh token can be accessed through the client after a successful login like this:

from bereal import BeReal

bereal = BeReal()

Making a post

To make a post, you must pass in two file paths to images with one being the front camera image, and one being the back camera image.

from bereal import BeReal

bereal = BeReal()

# [Login]

new_post = bereal.post_bereal("[front_image].jpg", "[back_image].jpg")  # Returns a Post() object

Accessing your profile data

Your profile data can be accessed using the me() method. Here is an example how:

from bereal import BeReal

bereal = BeReal()

# [Login]

me = bereal.me()

me.profile_picture  # URL to your profile picture
me.birthday  # A datetime object
me.realmojis  # Array of Realmoji() objects saved to your account

Accessing your feed

As you may know, there are two feeds in BeReal. The friend feed and the discovery feed.

from bereal import BeReal

bereal = BeReal()

# [Login]

friend_feed = bereal.feed.friends()
discovery_feed = bereal.feed.discovery()

Each function returns a list of Post() objects.

Refreshing tokens

After a while, a login token can expire. To overcome this, you can call the refresh() method to generate a new login and refresh token without having to send another verification code.

from bereal import BeReal

bereal = BeReal()

# [Login]



You should save these tokens in a file if you want to allow the user to stay logged in throughout multiple uses of the program.

Post() objects

Post objects can be returned from a feed retrieval and they contain data about a post.

post = friend_feed[0]

# Methods
post.add_comment("<body>")  # Adds a comment to the post from the logged in user

# Attributes
post.caption  # The caption associated with the post
post.user  # A User() object of the user who posted
post.creation_time  # A datetime object
post.realmojis  # An array of Realemoji() objects
post.is_public  # If the post is viewable on the discovery feed
post.retakes  # Amount of retakes
post.comments  # An array of Comment() objects

Comment() objects

TODO: Add deletion of comments through a delete() method

comment = post.comments[0]

# Attributes
comment.user  # The author of the comment
comment.creation_time  # A datetime object
comment.body  # The comment text

Realmoji() objects

Realmojis are reactions to a BeReal. A realmoji is an image of a user posing as one of 5 emojis:

Accessing your saved realmojis

You can have saved realmojis on your account.

from bereal import BeReal

bereal = BeReal()

# [Login]

saved_realmoji = bereal.me().realmojis[0]
saved_realmoji.url  # URL of the realmoji image
saved_realmoji.emoji  # šŸ‘, šŸ˜€, šŸ˜², šŸ˜ or šŸ˜‚

Accessing realmojis on a post

realmoji = post.realmojis[0]

realmoji.emoji  # šŸ‘, šŸ˜€, šŸ˜², šŸ˜ or šŸ˜‚
realmoji.url  # URL of the realmoji image
realmoji.user  # User who reacted with that realmoji
realmoji.time  # Datetime the post was reacted with the realmoji