otherlab / geode

A computational geometry library for C++ and Python
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Geode: The Otherlab computational geometry library

Geode is an open source library of computational geometry and associated mathematical utilities together with a fast, lightweight python binding layer. The license is standard three-clause BSD (see the included LICENSE file or LICENSE).

For questions or discussion, email geode-dev@googlegroups.com.


For C++:

For Python:

Optional dependencies (see below for how to disable these):

Geode makes extensive use of C++11 features, so a relatively recent C++ compiler is necessary.


This has been built and run successfully with the Visual Studio 2015 preview. We are working to make this more streamlined and robust (as well as fixing the hundreds of compiler warnings), but the following worked for me:

Install the following dependencies:


If necessary, dependencies can be installed via one of

# Debian/Ubuntu
sudo apt install cmake g++ python-dev python-pip python-numpy pkg-config libjpeg-dev libpng-dev zlib1g-dev libgmp-dev
sudo apt-get install python-scipy python-pytest libpng-dev libjpeg-dev libopenexr-dev # optional
pip install numpy

# Homebrew (recommended)
brew install cmake openexr gfortran python #Note: gfortran brew is now part of gcc, so although previous versions can still be accessed, brew install gcc is the preferred method
sudo pip install --upgrade pip setuptools numpy scipy pytest #numpy and scipy can be

# MacPorts (not recommended).  If you have python 2.7, replace py26 with py27.
sudo port -v install python26 py26-numpy cmake
sudo port -v install py26-scipy py26-py libpng jpeg openexr # optional
sudo port -v install gcc47 # If clang is unavailable

Geode can then be installed from source via

git clone https://github.com/otherlab/geode.git
cd geode

# Install c++ headers and libraries to /usr/local
cmake . && make && make install

At this point, you have a choice of either developer mode or install mode

Install mode

sudo make install

This will also install python bindings if enabled.

Developer mode

The libraries are built into geode if you want to use them without installing. To point python imports to your development tree, run one of

sudo python setup.py develop
python setup.py develop --prefix=$HOME

To link against this built version of geode, add this to your project's own CMakeLists.txt:

target_link_libraries(foo geode)

If you've installed geode, you can instead use:

find_package(Geode REQUIRED)
target_link_libraries(foo geode)

which will allow you to develop with geode in C++ as if it was installed.

Post install

On linux you may have to update the shared library cache via ldconfig if this is the first time you've installed. Make sure /usr/local/lib (or wherever you installed libgeode.so) is included in the cache's search path.


Unit tests can be run via

cd geode

Extra configuration

If additional build configuration is necessary, run ccmake instead of cmake. CMake includes documentation generated from the geode build system.

For developers wishing to use without installing, see more options in Developer mode section below

These options can also be passed via command line to cmake. Run ccmake for a complete list. Use CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug for a much slower build with many more assertions:



Parts of geode come from the PhysBAM simulation library developed by Ron Fedkiw et al. at Stanford University.

For random numbers, we use the Random123 library of John Salmon et al. at D. E. Shaw Research. Random123 is included inline in core/random/random123.

The interval arithmetic in exact/Interval is based on code by Robert Bridson and Tyson Brochu.