otrv4 / prekey-server-docker-compose

A XMPP server with OTRv4 prekey server included. This is a mirror of https://bugs.otr.im/otrv4/prekey-server-docker-compose
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Prosody server with a OTRv4 prekey server included

A docker composed infrastructure containing a prosody xmpp server and a OTRv4 prekey server added to it.

It also has some dummy accounts.

IMPORTANT: This server is intended to be used only for local testing.


Running the xmpp server on Docker

  1. Create an .env file that looks exactly like this:
  1. Run:
  $ docker-compose up
  1. Copy the shown fingerprint (without spaces/brackets) into the .env file. Something like this will be shown:
prekeys-raw_1   | Starting server on
prekeys-raw_1   | [F91453A3D80BB48F FD683C98FBB2ED30 33F52861F6549F64 A45216627D43BA80 CCD9B08156CBAB97 E9B00314B313AF87 6FD6FBAFE97C00CC]
prekeys-xmpp_1  | fingerprint provided is not valid

This is line shows you the appropriate fingerprint

prekeys-raw_1 | [F91453A3D80BB48F FD683C98FBB2ED30 33F52861F6549F64 A45216627D43BA80 CCD9B08156CBAB97 E9B00314B313AF87 6FD6FBAFE97C00CC].

Copy it on the .env file, so it looks like this:

  1. Run:
$ docker-compose up

Everything should run. This line should show up:

xmpp-server_1   | prekeys.localhost:component  info External component successfully authenticated

In order to make this server be recognizable by the pidgin plugin, you need to run the following command:

  ./configure CFLAGS="-ggdb3 -O0 -DDEFAULT_PREKEYS_SERVER='\"prekeys.localhost\"'"

Restarting the prosody server


$ docker-compose down
$ docker-compose stop
$ docker system prune -a

Available accounts

|   ACCOUNT            |   PASSWORD   |
|   alice@localhost    |   alice      |
|   bob@localhost      |   bob        |


If you need to fix ownership issues using prosody, you can do the following:

  1. In another terminal window run:
$ docker-compose exec xmpp-server bash
$ ls -al ~/localhost/
  1. Take the id/gid (the 4th column) of the offline folder. chown it outside of the docker container so the offline storage is writable.

Note that the user must belong to the docker group.

$ sudo chown -R uid:gid prekey-server-docker-compose/prosody/data/localhost/
  1. In some distributions could be necessary to execute the following steps:
$ chown root:prosody /etc/prosody/certs/localhost.key
$ chmod 660 /etc/prosody/certs/localhost.key
$ sudo docker-compose build