Closed TNovalis closed 8 years ago
The wrapper is bad..
[mysql] MySQL Query Error! Query: INSERT INTO `maestro_ranks` (`rank`, `inherits`, `cantarget`, `canrank`, `color`) VALUES ("admin", "user", "<^", "!>^", "255 255 255") Duplicate entry 'admin' for key 'PRIMARY' [mysql] MySQL Query Error! Query: INSERT INTO `maestro_ranks` (`rank`, `inherits`, `cantarget`, `canrank`, `color`) VALUES ("superadmin", "admin", "<^", "!>^", "255 255 255") Duplicate entry 'superadmin' for key 'PRIMARY' [mysql] MySQL Query Error! Query: INSERT INTO `maestro_ranks` (`rank`, `inherits`, `cantarget`, `canrank`, `color`) VALUES ("user", "user", "<^", "!>^", "255 255 255") Duplicate entry 'user' for key 'PRIMARY'
..because it doesn't support the ON DUPLICATE KEY.
Just rewrite your mysql and only have it be mysqloo (the most commonly used).
Also use conditional logic to know if you run the query or not... I swear.
mysqloo sucks........ tmysql is much better and does not have memory leaks
That error was harmless (and actually intended behavior). CAMI was adding ranks before I had loaded mine--I've fixed it in 2.0.3
The wrapper is bad..
..because it doesn't support the ON DUPLICATE KEY.
Just rewrite your mysql and only have it be mysqloo (the most commonly used).
Also use conditional logic to know if you run the query or not... I swear.