ottworks / maestro

a competent admin mod for garry's mod
24 stars 7 forks source link

Stuff that Maestro has that ULX has

@, announce (csay), armor, ban, banid, blind, bring, cexe (cexec), chatprint (tsay), cloak, ent, freeze, gag, gimp, god, goto, hp, ignite, jail, jailtp, kick, lua (luarun), map, menu, msg (psay), mute, noclip, nominate (votemap), play (playsound), ragdoll, all that rank shit, rcon, return, send, slap (includes whip), slay, spawn, spectate, strip, tp, unban, veto, vote, voteban, votekick, who

Stuff that Maestro has that ULX doesn't have

Extra plugins


Menu Voting RTV Announcements Scaling

Maestro on Facepunch

Maestro on the Workshop

To get started, just type !tutorial ingame.