otubo / GasFinder

Mobile phone application that uses your GPS position to find low cost gas stations near you. (Brazil only)
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GasFinder - Find lower cost gas stations near you

  1. About:

    GasFinder is a application designed for mobile devices systems, such as Maemo and Android. It uses the device's GPS to get your position to find some near gas stations for you to choose the best one or the cheapest one. Unfortunately GasFinder's database is just available for Brazil. You could map you country and help us grow the project :-)

  2. Design:

    2.1 Android:

    On its version 1.0 [2], with a fully Java and Android SDK implementation. Supports Listing, ordering by price (gas, alcohol, gnv and diesel), detailed view, call gas station, view on map and share with social networks.

    2.2 Maemo:

    GasFinder for Maemo is written in Python, (GTK and Hildon bindings) and Python YQL library.

  3. How it works:

    3.1 Back-end:

    There's a data miner which grabs all the information about gas station from ANP[1] website. It organizes into a XML file for the YQL query it and return another XML to the front-end. This part of the project is Luciano Camilo's responsibility.

    3.2 Front-end:

    The front-end is responsible for gathering the GPS position of the device and execute the query to get a list of near gas stations. The rest is designing screens and packaging stuff :-)

[1] - http://www.anp.gov.br/ [2] - https://github.com/otubo/GasFinder/commit/7a15cf1e7eb2d8e82ebe58ab5d80885a24c21861