ourStoryNetwork / lp09-onboarding-platform

GNU General Public License v3.0
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0.9 OnboardingPi: Turn Your Creative Idea Into a Platform Ecosystem for Growth and Collaboration

Transform any project idea into a platform ecosystem and develop an Onboarding Program to attract your first open source contributors and investors


Welcome to the "0.9 OnboardingPi" Repository by ourStory: Everything Is Music. Creating an onboarding program for any company is a challenge, and it's argualbly even harder for decentralized and open source platforms. This GitHub Repository is a template for anyone who wants to streamline their project's Onboarding Program with oS3 (ourStory openSource operatingSystem). By completing this process, you'll reimagine your existing idea as a platform ecosystem and develop a unique and comprehensive Onboarding Program that empowers contributors, nonprofits, small businesses, and investors to support your growth. Specifically, you will create the following for your platform ecosystem:

This process is the first step towards creating your 9 dimensional Internal Developer Platform (IDP) inspired by Backstage. Join us in fostering innovation and collaboration as we bridge the gap between digital and physical innovation through Platform and Civil Engineering.

How It Works

[Video Walkthrough of the final product]

Installation Instructions

Follow the steps below to create your Platform Ecosystem's Onboarding Program:

  1. Select your Onboarding Agent[Link to agents]
  2. Clone this repository to your organization
  3. Complete the steps outlined in each of these files:
  4. Onboarding Agent Review and Addition to ourStory's database
  5. Implement Your Platform Ecosystem's Onboarding Program

Contribution Guidelines

Thanks for you interest in contributing to this project. We want to make these instructions simple enough so a 7 year old can easily create an onboarding program for any project they want to create with their family and friends. Once you create your own onboarding program for yourself, you will receive instructions on how you can contribute to this and other oS3 projects with ourStory.

Contribution Expectations

Find a typo, bug, or think of a much easier way to create an onboarding program? Rather than worrying about pull requests, clone this repository, implement the changes you think this template should incorporate, and we'll review it once your Onboarding Agent confirms your proof-of-work. We can't wait to see how you can help us make this process even better!

Known Issues

This repository/tutorial is a work in progress. Here are the top three items that we're focused on. If you have others that you think we should incorporate, please send us an email (jacques@trainfarb.com)