oursky / lgbtq-glassdoor

LGBTQ Glassdoor aims to help LGBTQ individuals share and find supportive work environments.
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community community-project lgbt skygear

🌈 LGBTQ Glassdoor


The LGBTQ Glassdoor is a side project developed by Oursky, a software development agency with offices in Hong Kong and Taiwan. The LGBTQ Glassdoor aims to help LGBTQ individuals find inclusive workplaces in Hong Kong. The listings on the website are submitted by individuals, LGBTQ-identified and allies, who feel an organization (a company, NGO, or public agency) is LGBTQ-friendly.

The LGBTQ Glassdoor is an opensource directory created with Oursky's opensource backend, Skygear. Anyone who would like to create a similar directory in their city or country can clone the LGBTQ Glassdoor repo. If you do, let us know!

You can also follow us on Facebook and Twitter.


Folder Structure

The root directory contains a Skygear could functions project, while public_html contains the static HTMLs for deployment.

Entry point for cloud function Cloud code is __init__.py

The Frontend VueJS project is contained under /vue-project.

Run Development

Build for production

The exported build will be at /dist, which can be deployed using skygear cli.


Table Schema

