oursky / skeleton

Skeleton and instruction to get start for common Android project
MIT License
6 stars 4 forks source link

Project Skeleton

Standard template for mobile app and backend project setup

android android Build Status ktlint


The codebase is no longer maintained.

New frameworks and even language constructs (e.g. kotlin DSL & co-rountine) are available and we suggest to adopt them instead. This repository will be archived for reference only.

What's Included




Android Setup

  1. Clone skeleton repo into a temperory directory
    git clone https://github.com/oursky/skeleton skeleton
  2. Init your repo
    mkdir new-project
    cd new-project
    git init
    cp ../skeleton/.gitignore .
    vi LICENSE
    vi README.md
    git add .gitignore LICENSE README.md
    git commit -am "Initial commit"
  3. copy modules into new project, e.g. android-java
    cp -R skeleton/android-java new-project/
  4. Adjust code
    • App Name
    • Manifest(Android)
    • Build Configuration
    • Rename package (com.oursky.skeleton to something else). Android How-To.
  5. Add the modules and review changes
    git add android-java
    git status
    git commit -am "refs #1 project setup"
  6. Push your new project
    git remote add oursky https://github.com/oursky/new-project
    git push -u oursky master

Backend Setup

  1. Init your repo with the above instruction, if not already.
  2. copy modules into new project, e.g. backend-nodejs
    cp -R skeleton/backend-nodejs new-project/
  3. Adjust code
    • package.json
  4. Add the modules and review changes
    git add backend-nodejs
    git status
    git commit -am "refs #1 project setup"
  5. Push your new project
    git remote add oursky https://github.com/oursky/new-project
    git push -u oursky master

    Run Docker

    First time setup
    > cd backend-nodejs
    > docker-compose up -d
    > make docker-initdb
    > cd backend-nodejs
    > docker-compose down
    Start again
    > cd backend-nodejs
    > docker-compose up -d

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