ouster-lidar / ouster_example

Ouster, Inc. sample code
448 stars 432 forks source link

.. figure:: https://github.com/ouster-lidar/ouster_example/raw/master/docs/images/Ouster_Logo_TM_Horiz_Black_RGB_600px.png

========================================================= Ouster SDK - libraries and tools for Ouster Lidar Sensors

Cross-platform C++/Python Ouster Sensor Development Toolkit

To get started with our sensors, client, and visualizer, please see our SDK and sensor documentation: ouster-sdk/index.html

This repository contains Ouster SDK source code for connecting to and configuring ouster sensors, reading and visualizing data.

.. note:: Ouster ROS driver code has been moved out to a separate GitHub repository. To get started using the driver follow the instructions provided on the repository's main page: https://github.com/ouster-lidar/ouster-ros


For support of the Ouster SDK, please use Github Issues <https://github.com/ouster-lidar/ouster_example/issues>_ in this repo.

For support of Ouster products outside of the SDK, please use Ouster customer support <https://ouster.atlassian.net/servicedesk/customer/portal/8/group/22/create/86>_.

For suspected security problems, please contact us at security@ouster.io.


BSD 3-Clause License, details <LICENSE>_