outcomes-keyan-hardman / lastfmtospotify

Converts Last.fm loved tracks to a Spotify playlist.
9 stars 2 forks source link

Last FM Loved Tracks to Spotify Playlist Build Status

This small javascript app will create spotify playlist from your last.fm loved tracks.


Get Spotify credentials

This app uses a spotify client ID and secret key for spotify api access. For development you will need to register your own:

  1. Go to My Applications on Spotify Developer and create your application.
  2. For the redirect uri, we need to to use the /callback path. So for local development, it would be: http://localhost:8888/callback


  1. First, install nodejs

  2. Clone the repository with git and cd into it:

    git clone git@github.com:cah-keyanhardman/lastfmtospotify.git
    cd lastfmtospotify
  3. Install npm dependencies:

    npm install

Running the app

The app is configured with the following environment variables:

To run in development on the default port:

CLIENT_ID={your spotify client id} CLIENT_SECRET={your spotify client secret} node main/app.js

Then, open http://localhost:8888 in a browser.