outer-web / image-library

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Image Library

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This package adds ways to store and link images to your models.

It provides:


You can install the package via composer:

composer require outerweb/image-library

Run the install command:

php artisan image-library:install

Add the <x-image-library-scripts /> blade component to your layout (at the bottom of the body tag).

<x-image-library-scripts />

This will add a script tag to the bottom of the body tag that will dynamically set the image width as the sizes attribute of the image tag. This is an automatic way of letting the browser know which responsive image variant to download based on the device's screen size, resolution, density and supported image formats.


You can configure the package by editing the config/image-library.php file.

Each setting is documented in the config file itself.


Defining conversions

You can define conversions anywhere in your application. We recommend doing this in a service provider. To do this, you can use the ConversionDefinition entity.

use OuterWeb\ImageLibrary\Facades\ImageLibrary;
use OuterWeb\ImageLibrary\Entities\AspectRatio;
use OuterWeb\ImageLibrary\Entities\ConversionDefinition;
use OuterWeb\ImageLibrary\Entities\Effects;


Name (required)

The name of the conversion. This is the name you will use to refer to the conversion.

use OuterWeb\ImageLibrary\Entities\ConversionDefinition;


Label (optional)

The label of the conversion. This is can be used by other packages that depend on this package to show the label in the user interface. E.g. in our Filament Image Library package, this is used to display the conversion name above the cropper.

use OuterWeb\ImageLibrary\Entities\ConversionDefinition;


Translate label (optional)

Whether the label should be translated. By default, the label will not be translated. This method will take the value of the label and put it through the __() function.

use OuterWeb\ImageLibrary\Entities\ConversionDefinition;


Aspect ratio (required)

The aspect ratio of the conversion. You can define this by using the AspectRatio entity.

use OuterWeb\ImageLibrary\Entities\AspectRatio;
use OuterWeb\ImageLibrary\Entities\ConversionDefinition;


Or by providing a string.

use OuterWeb\ImageLibrary\Entities\ConversionDefinition;


Or by providing an array.

use OuterWeb\ImageLibrary\Entities\ConversionDefinition;

    ->aspectRatio([16, 9]);

Default width and height (optional)

The default width and height of the conversion. This is the size the image will be cropped to by default. These values are overridden by the width and height saved in the database.

use OuterWeb\ImageLibrary\Entities\ConversionDefinition;


Effects (optional)

You can apply effects to the conversion. You can define this by using the Effects entity.

use OuterWeb\ImageLibrary\Entities\ConversionDefinition;
use OuterWeb\ImageLibrary\Entities\Effects;


Or by providing an array.

use OuterWeb\ImageLibrary\Entities\ConversionDefinition;

        'blur' => 10,
        'pixelate' => 10,
        'greyscale' => true,
        'sepia' => true,
        'sharpen' => 10

Create sync (optional)

You can inform the image library to dispatch the generateConversion job synchronously. This is done to make the thumbnail generation conversion visible immediately after uploading an image when using a async queue driver.

use OuterWeb\ImageLibrary\Entities\ConversionDefinition;


Uploading images

You can upload images to the library by using the ImageLibrary facade.

use OuterWeb\ImageLibrary\Facades\ImageLibrary;

$image = ImageLibrary::upload($request->file('image'));

By default, the image will be stored in the public disk. You can change this by setting the default_disk option in the config file or by passing it as the second argument to the upload method.

use OuterWeb\ImageLibrary\Facades\ImageLibrary;

$image = ImageLibrary::upload($request->file('image'), 's3');

You may also pass a title and alt text in the third argument.

use OuterWeb\ImageLibrary\Facades\ImageLibrary;

$image = ImageLibrary::upload($request->file('image'), 's3', [
    'title' => 'My image',
    'alt' => 'This is my image'

If you want those attributes to be translatable, we have directly integrated Spatie's laravel-translatable package. To enable this, you need to set the spatie_translatable option to true in the config file. After that, you can pass the translations in the third argument.

use OuterWeb\ImageLibrary\Facades\ImageLibrary;

$image = ImageLibrary::upload($request->file('image'), 's3', [
    'title' => [
        'en' => 'My image',
        'nl' => 'Mijn afbeelding'
    'alt' => [
        'en' => 'This is my image',
        'nl' => 'Dit is mijn afbeelding'

When an image is uploaded, these things will happen:

  1. The image will be stored on the specified disk.
  2. If webp support is enabled, a webp version of the image will be generated and stored on the specified disk.
  3. If responsive image support is enabled, responsive images will be generated and stored on the specified disk.
  4. If webp support is enabled, a webp version of each responsive image will be generated and stored on the specified disk.
  5. A record will be created in the images table. You can use the Image model to interact with this record.
  6. For each defined Conversion, a record will be created in the image_conversions table.
  7. The conversion images will be generated and stored on the specified disk.
  8. If webp support is enabled, a webp version of the image conversion will be generated and stored on the specified disk.
  9. If responsive image support is enabled, responsive images for each conversion will be generated and stored on the specified disk.
  10. If webp support is enabled, a webp version of each responsive image for each conversion will be generated and stored on the specified disk.

Rendering images

You can render images by using the <x-image-library-image /> blade component.

<x-image-library-image :image="$image" conversion="thumbnail" />

This will render a responsive image with the thumbnail conversion.

You can also render a <x-image-library-picture /> blade component.

<x-image-library-picture :image="$image" conversion="thumbnail" />

This gives the browser the ability to choose the best image to download based on the device's screen size, resolution, density and supported image formats.

Fallback image

You can provide a fallback image by using the fallback attribute.

<x-image-library-image :image="$image" conversion="thumbnail" fallback="fallback-image.jpg" />

This can be a string or another Image model.

The fallback image will be rendered using the conversion defined in the conversion attribute.

Fallback conversion

You can provide a fallback conversion by using the fallback-conversion attribute.

<x-image-library-image :image="$image" conversion="thumbnail" fallback-conversion="original" />

Combining this with the fallback attribute, you can have different outcomes when the image and/or conversion are not available:

Linking images to models

You may link images to your models by any means you like. The package does not provide a way to do this.

You are free to create:

The image model

The package provides an Image model that you can use to interact with the images table.

You may change the model by setting the models.image option in the config file.

It saves the following data in the database:

The image conversions model

The package provides an ImageConversion model that you can use to interact with the image_conversions table.

You may change the model by setting the models.image_conversion option in the config file.

It saves the following data in the database:


Please see UPGRADING for information on upgrading to a new major version.


Please see CHANGELOG for more information on what has changed recently.



The MIT License (MIT). Please see License File for more information.