outgrow / reaction-marketplace

A multi-vendor marketplace plugin for Reaction Commerce
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reaction-marketplace (beta)

npm (scoped)

A multi-vendor marketplace plugin for Reaction Commerce. Still in beta and is for now limited to sending e-mail invitations for vendors to sign-up and create their shops.

How to use

First, install the package in your project's reaction (API) directory:

npm install --save-dev @outgrowio/reaction-marketplace

Then, register the plugin in your project's reaction/plugins.json, calling the function at the end of the file:

  "marketplace": "@outgrowio/reaction-marketplace/index.js"

User interface

We recommend to use this plugin together with reaction-marketplace-ui to have a user interface in your reaction-admin to invite new vendors and manage marketplace shops.

Of course, you're also free to build your own user interface and leverage this plugin's API the way you prefer.


Once the plugin is registered, you get access to the following GraphQL queries and mutations. For testing, call these from the GraphQL Playground at http://localhost:3000/graphql.

Invite shop owner

mutation inviteShopOwner($input: InviteShopOwnerInput!) {
    inviteShopOwner(input: $input) {

Call with the following variables:

    "input": {
        "emailAddress": "john@doe.com",
        "name": "John Doe"

List all shops (paginated)

query shops($shopIds: [ID], $first: ConnectionLimitInt, $last: ConnectionLimitInt, $offset: Int) {
    shops(shopIds: $shopIds, first: $first, last: $last, offset: $offset) {
        pageInfo {
        nodes {

Call with an optional shopIds variable (returns all shops if no shopIds are passed):

    "input": {
        "shopIds": ["kspBu62vAyXnnb2v6"]


Don't forget to use an Authorization HTTP header to authenticate your API calls. Example:

    "Authorization": "skwL_8jUOkmom7wW_se6_XgfSBtBrUBSR9UL-CUq74A.fwTZ8_G2QTMPf83O6jAOtYxyEU1TYV6spm8abPENutg"

You can get the value for the Authorization header in the reaction-admin UI (http://localhost:4080). By using your browser's network analyzer in the devtools, look for any recent POST call to /graphql or /graphql-beta and copy the value for Authorization in the request headers.

When developing a plugin inside of reaction-admin, your GraphQL calls should automatically be authentified by Apollo.


Need help integrating this plugin into your Reaction Commerce project? Simply looking for expert Reaction Commerce developers? Want someone to train your team to use Reaction at its fullest?

Whether it is just a one-hour consultation to get you set up or helping your team ship a whole project from start to finish, you can't go wrong by reaching out to us: