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hapijs university

Use JavaScript and hapijs to build web applications. See the essentials of how to build hapi applications: authentication, validation, application architecture, and testing. Plus, delve into deeper topics like: bearer-tokens, caching, the request lifecycle.

Assignments and Solutions

[Assignment1] Let's get started!

First, we need some basic structure: a lib folder, a package.json file, and an initial ./lib/index.js. Since we will be using hapi, we need to include that in the project dependencies. Second, create a basic hapi server on port 8000 which responds to /version requests and replies with a simple { "version": "0.1.1" } JSON payload. The version data in the response should come from the package.json file.

npm init
npm install --save hapi

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credits for assignment1

Above assignment is from original assignment1 by @hueniverse and work by @AdriVanHoudt. See this PR.

pre-assignment2 reading:

[Assignment2] plugins

The right way to work with hapi is to build your application using plugins. Plugins provide a way to organize your code into logical components and then put them together in different combinations or deploy them in different configurations. While some plugins are published as general purpose utilities (e.g. adding authentication), you should think of plugins as a way to break your code into pieces.

Now that we have a basic server with one endpoint, we want to move the creation of the endpoint to a plugin, and then register that plugin with the server. Create a new file lib/version.js and move the /version endpoint there. Then, change our current lib/index.js to require the new plugin file and register the version plugin with our server. The server.register() function is used to register the plugin.

Remember to follow the style guide, and ask any questions in the comments of the issue created for the assignment. If you are not sure how to get your fork back in sync with the current updated code, use the git guide.

/version end point should reply with a simple JSON payload:

    version: Package.version,
    message: options.message



compare assignment2 solution to assignment1
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Assignment2 Credits

This assignment is from the original assignment2 convert to plugin and discussion related to the assignment written by @hueniverse. The code solution is from work done by @MylesBorins.

[Assignment3] Testing & 100% coverage

Things are getting a bit more interesting...

It's time to add tests, verify coverage, confirm style, and automate all of this with CI (CI means: Continuous Integration). We will be using the lab module to perform these tasks and automate them with travis. Code will be our test's assertian library.

  1. Export init() and move the server invocation to a new lib/start.js file. The lib/start.js file calls the exported init() function and passes configurations options to it. The resolved promise function in start.js outputs the server config details to the console. Change package.json file to use start.js as the start up script. start.js file is not covered by tests. Designing the server to start with an exported init function allows other scripts and applications to start and stop the server. This is important for several reasons:
    • It allows testing scripts to start and stop the server to execute tests.
    • It allows another program to start and stop the application. This is useful when using hapi to build services - soa (service oriented architecture). Sometimes you make several hapi services to run on one computer and collaborate with each other.
    • It allows for the start.js script to start and stop the application.
  2. Add a .travis.yml file. When a .travis.yml file exists in a GitHub repository the project is built and all tests are executed. .travis reports if all tests successfully pass or not. Note, you must configure github to excute travis CI upon events (push or PR) to the repository. This is found under: Settings -> Integration & Services.
  3. Add a test folder with two files, version.js and index.js, each testing the corresponding file under /lib.
  4. Modify the package.json file to include tests. Install the dev dependencies lab and code.
  5. When using lab, enable coverage, require 100% coverage, enable linting with default rules, and install and use code assertion library. See package.json file to view the test command or see a test command write up here.
  6. Write a basic test to verify our version endpoint in version.js.
  7. Write tests to get 100% coverage. To get 100% test coverage you also need to confirm style. lab confirms if the project's code abides by the hapijs style guide. This is called 'linting'.

Everything should be pretty straight forward. If you are not sure on how to use lab and code, look at other hapi.js modules and copy their test scripts and setup.

Getting 100% coverage can be tricky sometimes so if you are not sure, get as much coverage as you can, and comment on the lines in your pull request where you are having a hard time reaching and someone will give you a clue.

Remember to properly stop() your servers when calling the init() method in each test.

For now, avoid using any of the before() and after() lab features.

As always, ask for help and help others!


lab summary

Compare Assignment3 Solution to Assignment2
view assignment3 solution source


Assignment is from original assignment3 and discussion related to it. The author was @hueniverse. Original code for the solution was written by idanwe. See: PR for original source code for solution. The .travis.yml file is from the hapi project.

[Assignment4] Use server.app properties

Compare Assignment4 Solution to Assignment3

[Assignment5] Project Structure

Compare Assignment5 Solution to Assignment4

[Assignment6] auth bearer tokens

Notice we have not created user authentication yet -- users have no way to log in. Tests for the assignment assume a valid auth bearer token for the user already exists. The focus is on getting hapi auth bearer token plugin installed and configured. This lesson does not build a complete authentication system.

Here are resources related to auth bearer tokens. Please share if you know of other links and resources related to the subject.

Compare Assignment6 Solution to Assignment5

Notes on original authentication assignment

This assignment started as assignment4.
It contains good discussion regarding authentication issues. For the original solution see: PR. It used hapi-auth-basic.

[Assignment7] TLS


Original TLS assignment completed by @rutaihwa.

Compare Assignment7 Solution to Assignment6

[Assignment8] /authenticate route

Compare Assignment8 Solution to Assignment7


[Assignment9] tokens, cache, basic authentication system

This lesson completes a basic token based authentication system. Currently, our server only has two routes: /version and /authenticate. Only users with authentic bearer tokens can access server routes. See token strategy in: ./lib/authtoken.js. The lib/authtoken.js strategy is crude supporting one static token. On the /authenticate route we turn off the requirement for an authentic bearer token with the false option because unauthenticated users do not have bearer tokens yet. The false option exposes routes to public unauthenticated users.

At this point, there is a disconnect in the system. A user can generate a valid auth token on the /authenticate route. But, that token is not stored for future use. As stated earlier, the authentication strategy only considers one token as valid (1234574). To resolve this issue we use redisdb and hapi's caching plugins.

First, configure a bearer token cache. When a user successfully authenticates, the auth-bearer-token generated for the session is stored in the cache catabox-redis. Along with the token, the authenticated user account data is also stored in the cache. This is where a users scopes are stored. Scope values determine which routes a user can access. Second, the validateFunction for the auth-bearer-token strategy is modified to use the bearer token cache to validate received tokens. This solves the above mentioned disconnect in our bearer token system. Third, we create a /private route which requires administrative user privileges (admin scope) to access route data.


.travis.yml implementing redisdb is from: catbox-redis project.

Lesson9 solution