outs1der / minbar

Tools and software for building, accessing and analysing the Multi-INstrument Burst ARchive (MINBAR)
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Python package for analysing observational data of thermonuclear (type-I) X-ray bursts observed by RXTE/PCA, BeppoSAX/WFC and INTEGRAL/JEM-X

Provides facilities for reading MINBAR ASCII data tables, available via the online data table repository at https://doi.org/10.26180/5e4a697d9b8b6; see https://arxiv.org/abs/2003.00685

Full documentation can be found at https://burst.sci.monash.edu/minbar/pydoc/index.html

Getting Started

Try the suggested example commands below; see the online documentation and the tutorial jupyter notebook; and also check __init__.py for instructions on usage

Example Usage

The examples below illustrate creating examples of the available Bursts, Observations, and Sources classes, and performing selections and data extractions from the tables.


import minbar
mb = minbar.Bursts() # Load the burst database
mb.name_like('1636') # Select a source using part of its name
print (mb.field_labels.keys()) # See which fields are available
mb.show() # List the selected bursts

time = mb['time'] # Get a field as a numpy array (automatically time-ordered)
id = mb[time > 54000.]['entry'] # extract ID #s for all the bursts after the specified time
flux = mb['bpflux'] # Flux in 1e-9 erg/s/cm2
sub = mb[['time','bpflux']] # extract a subset of the columns, for the given selection
mb.create_distance_correction() # Include distance information from Sources()
luminosity = (flux*mb['distcor']).to('erg s-1') # Isotropic peak luminosity in erg/s
pca = mb.instr_like('pca') # Get index array for bursts observed with PCA
pca_luminosity = luminosity[pca] # Luminosity of PCA bursts

mb.clear() # Reset the selection
mb.select_all(['GS 1826-24', '4U 1636-536']) # Select multiple sources; requires exact names
mb.clear() # Clear the selection so all sources are included
mb.exclude_like('1636') # Exclude source from selection
mb.exclude_like('1826') # Now two sources are excluded

mo = minbar.Observations() # Load the observation database
mo.name_like('1636') # Same source selection options as for burst database
time = mo['tstart'] # And fields are accessed in the same way
print (mo.field_labels.keys()) # See which fields are available

ms = minbar.Sources() # Load the source database
print (ms.field_labels.keys()) # Show available data fields
ra = ms['ra_obj'] # Right ascension for all sources
ms.name_like('1636') # Select a source using part of its name
ra = ms['ra_obj'] # Right ascension for selected source only
ms.clear() # Clear selection