oveits / openshift-terraform-ansible_installer

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Installing an OpenShift cluster on Amazon Web Services


Step by Step:

Maintenance of AWS instances: $ ssh -t -i ${key_path} ${SSHUSER}@${MASTERIP} where default

Deletion of AWS instances: $ bash 1_docker_create_aws_resources.sh -destroy (usually you do not need to change any file in this case) and choose 'apply"

########################## there might be obsolete information below this line

Specify AWS credentials:

cp .aws_creds.example .aws_creds vi .aws_creds # aws_access_key="your_aws_access_key" aws_secret_key="your_aws_secret_key"

Apply AWS credentials:

source .aws_creds

Configure terraform:

export TF_VAR_aws_access_key=$AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID export TF_VAR_aws_secret_key=$AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY export TF_VAR_IP_with_full_access=wget http://ipinfo.io/ip -qO - cp terraform.tfvars.example terraform.tfvars vi terraform.tfvars

Make sure that the key owner has following AWS permission:

In a future version, we want to use dynamic inventories. In this case, following AWS permissions are needed additionaly:

OV: obsolete for new main.tf with VPC and security rule generation:

Add SSH secrity rule and run terraform: cut&paste the next set of lines to the Linux command line:

/d/veits/Vagrant/ubuntu-trusty64-docker-aws-test/addSecurityRule.sh && \

Review Terraform plan:

terraform plan -out=terraform.plan openshift-terraform-ansible/ec2

or if you want to log the readable output for later reference:

tee >(terraform plan -out=terraform.plan openshift-terraform-ansible/ec2) | tee -a terraform.plan.log

Run Terraform plan:

terraform apply terraform.plan

start CentOS Docker image:

cd .. && \ docker run --name centos -it --rm -v pwd:/nfs centos bash

DIR=/nfs/openshift-terraform-ansible_installer cd $DIR || exit 1

Retrieve information needed for next step:

$ cat $DIR/terraform.tfstate | grep ec2- | awk -F '"' '{print $4}' ec2-52-57-51-241.eu-central-1.compute.amazonaws.com ec2-52-57-112-189.eu-central-1.compute.amazonaws.com

the first line is the DNS name of the master, all subsequent lines are the DNS names of the nodes

this information now must be updated in the inventory file:

vi $DIR/inventory

make sure the username is also correct (coreos, if you do not change the ami)

in the example above, the last lines must look like follows:

[masters] ec2-52-57-51-241.eu-central-1.compute.amazonaws.com openshift_public_hostname=master.fuse.osecloud.com

host group for nodes, includes region info

[nodes] ec2-52-57-112-189.eu-central-1.compute.amazonaws.com openshift_node_labels="{'region': 'infra', 'zone': 'default'}"

TODO: how to automate the inventory file

either from terraform.py or via dynamic library a la

yum install -y boto && \

source .aws_creds && \


note that openshift-terraform-ansible/ec2/ec2.ini needs to be updated!

within the image, run ansible OpenShift installer:

TODO!!: make sure that the AWS security rule allows internal traffic between nodes and master

bash $DIR/install_ansible_client.sh

Then, on the master, create the first user "test" with password "changeme":

sudo htpasswd -b /etc/origin/openshift-passwd test changeme

On the web client connecting to the service, you need to add following line to the hosts file: master master.fuse.osecloud.com

where the IP address must be the real public IP of the master and master.fuse.osecloud.com had been defined in the inventory file

########## HOW THIS REPOSITORY WAS CREATED ######################

this file describes how I have prepared the current repository by following the instructions in https://github.com/christian-posta/openshift-terraform-ansible

1) downloading following repositories:




2) installing terraform

which sudo && SUDO=sudo

install git

$SUDO apt-get update; $SUDO apt-get install -y git

install terraform

source install_terraform.sh && \

install ansible

source install_ansible.sh && \

download openshift-terraform-ansible repository

git clone https://github.com/christian-posta/openshift-terraform-ansible && \ #

download https://github.com/openshift/openshift-ansible

git clone https://github.com/openshift/openshift-ansible && \ #

git clone https://github.com/CiscoCloud/terraform.py