overcastsoftware / wagtailcharts

Customisable Chart.js charts in Wagtail
MIT License
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chartjs django hacktoberfest python wagtail

Wagtail Charts

Chart.js charts in Wagtail, edited and customised from the Wagtail admin

See it in action


Getting started

Assuming you have a Wagtail project up and running:

pip install wagtailcharts

Add wagtailcharts to your settings.py in the INSTALLED_APPS section, before the core wagtail packages:

    # ...
    # ...

Add a wagtailcharts ChartBlock to one of your StreamFields:

from wagtailcharts.blocks import ChartBlock

class ContentBlocks(StreamBlock):
    chart_block = ChartBlock()

Include your streamblock in one of your pages

class HomePage(Page):
    body = StreamField(ContentBlocks())

    content_panels = Page.content_panels + [

Add the wagtailcharts_tags templatetag to your template and call the render_charts tag just before your </body> closing tag. Please note that you must render your chart block so that the render_charts tag can detect the charts. Here is a tiny example of a page rendering template:

{% load wagtailcore_tags wagtailcharts_tags %}

{% block content %}
<div class="container-fluid">
    <div class="row">
        <div class="col-6">
            <div class="excerpt">{{self.excerpt|richtext}}</div>
    {% for block in self.body %}
        {% include_block block %}
    {% endfor %}
{% endblock %}

{% block extra_js %}
{% render_charts %}
{% endblock %}


ChartBlock accepts a few extra arguments in addition to the standard StructBlock arguments.


A tuple of color tuples defining the available colors in the editor.

from wagtailcharts.blocks import ChartBlock

    ('#ff0000', 'Red'),
    ('#00ff00', 'Green'),
    ('#0000ff', 'Blue'),

class ContentBlocks(StreamBlock):
    chart_block = ChartBlock(colors=COLORS)


You can override the default chart types available for your ChartBlock instance:

from wagtailcharts.blocks import ChartBlock

    ('line', 'Custom title for line chart'),

class ContentBlocks(StreamBlock):
    chart_block = ChartBlock(chart_types=CHART_TYPES)

The default types are:

    ('line', 'Line Chart'),
    ('bar', 'Vertical Bar Chart'),
    ('bar_horizontal', 'Horizontal Bar Chart'),
    ('area', 'Area Chart'),
    ('multi', 'Combo Line/Bar/Area Chart'),
    ('pie', 'Pie Chart'),
    ('doughnut', 'Doughnut Chart'),
    ('radar', 'Radar Chart'),
    ('polar', 'Polar Chart'),
    ('waterfall', 'Waterfall Chart')


Since ChartJS and the plugins have a plethora of options available, we will never be able to make them all available within the wagtail interface. That is why we added a chart config callback option.

    ('barchart_labels', 'Bigger font and bold labels'),

class ContentBlocks(StreamBlock):
    chart_block = ChartBlock(callbacks=CHART_CONFIG_CALLBACKS)

You then need to have a global function named the same (in this case 'barchart_labels') that returns an options object with the overrides/addons you want to add:

window.barchart_labels = function() {
    return {
        plugins: {
            datalabels: {
                font: {
                    size: 18,
                    weight: 'bold',
                color: '#ff0000'

Localize number formatting according to a specific locale

Wagtail chart formats numbers according to the browser's default locale by default from version 0.6 onwards. You can override this by setting a global javascript variable called WAGTAILCHARTS_LOCALE before calling the render_charts template tag:

{% load wagtailcharts_tags %}

<!-- Your content here -->

{% block extra_js %}
<script>WAGTAILCHARTS_LOCALE = 'is-IS';</script>
{% render_charts %}
{% endblock %}


Release notes

For release notes, visit this link