overhangio / tutor-discovery

Course Discovery plugin for Tutor
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
11 stars 40 forks source link

Course Discovery plugin for Tutor <https://docs.tutor.edly.io>_

This is a plugin for Tutor <https://docs.tutor.edly.io>_ that integrates the Course Discovery <https://github.com/edx/course-discovery/> application in an Open edX platform. it is useful for integration with, for example, Ecommerce <https://github.com/edx/ecommerce> or an external course catalog.


This plugin requires tutor>=3.6.0. If you have installed tutor from a pre-compiled binary, it already comes bundled with the discovery plugin. Otherwise::

tutor plugins install discovery

Then, to enable this plugin, run::

tutor plugins enable discovery

Restart and initialize your platform with::

tutor local launch


Creating a user

The discovery user interface will be available at http://discovery.local.edly.io for a local test instance, and at ``DISCOVERY_HOST`` (by default: http(s)://discovery.<your lms host>) in production. In order to run commands from the UI, a user must be created::

    tutor local run discovery ./manage.py createsuperuser

Then, you must login with this user at http://discovery.local.edly.io/admin.

Alternatively, you can login with oauth2 using a pre-existing user created on the LMS/CMS by accessing http(s)://discovery.<your lms host>/login. To do so, the proper domain names must exist and point to the production server.

Index configuration

Discovery uses separate indices for different models (the names are: course, course_run, person and program by default). And you can overwrite theses names by configuring DISCOVERY_INDEX_OVERRIDES::

  course_discovery.apps.course_metadata.search_indexes.documents.course: your-course-index-name
  course_discovery.apps.course_metadata.search_indexes.documents.course_run: your-course-run-index-name
  course_discovery.apps.course_metadata.search_indexes.documents.person: your-person-index-name
  course_discovery.apps.course_metadata.search_indexes.documents.program: your-program-index-name

Re-indexing courses

While running tutor in production mode::

    tutor local run discovery ./manage.py refresh_course_metadata --partner_code=openedx
    tutor local run discovery ./manage.py update_index --disable-change-limit

While running tutor in development mode::

    tutor dev run discovery ./manage.py refresh_course_metadata --partner_code=dev
    tutor dev run discovery ./manage.py update_index --disable-change-limit

Caching programs

In order to cache programs in the LMS, you will need to manually create a catalog integration. Make sure you use staff user for the below command. If lms_catalog_service_user is not a staff user, then make it a staff user in your LMS User model. This step should be performed just once::

tutor local run lms ./manage.py lms create_catalog_integrations --enabled \
    --internal_api_url="" \

Then run the below command, this command will cause errors every time as it tries to cache programs from all sites that are added to your LMS sites model::

tutor local run lms ./manage.py lms cache_programs

Above command will give some errors as it tries to cache programs for all sites. So make use of an extra argument to the command .i.e. --domain. While running tutor in production mode::

tutor local run lms ./manage.py lms cache_programs --domain="local.edly.io"

While running tutor in development mode::

tutor dev run lms ./manage.py lms cache_programs --domain="local.edly.io:8000"

This last step should be performed every time you create new or make changes to existing programs.

Show Programs Tab

In order to make ``Programs`` tab work in the LMS dashboard, users will need to manually create an entry in ``Programs api config`` model in LMS Admin Panel. Go to http://local.edly.io/admin/programs/programsapiconfig/. Add ``Marketing path`` equal to ``/programs`` and enable it. Then Programs tab will be shown on the LMS where users can view their registered programs. It will show like as in below picture.

.. image:: https://github.com/overhangio/tutor-discovery/assets/122095701/e0224011-adc0-41e4-a104-af4cb0c24b82
    :alt: Programs Tab on LMS dashboard

In the above image, User can see explore programs button which is pointing to ``http://localhost:8080/programs`` by default. This link does not exist. So, users can change this link to their custom build marketing site url to show all programs there. This can be done by modifying ``Site Configurations`` model in LMS Admin Panel. Go to http://local.edly.io/admin/site_configuration/siteconfiguration/. Open respective LMS site configuration and add below dict in ``site values`` field like below image::

    "MKTG_URLS": {
        "ROOT": "https://custom-marketing-site-here.com"

.. image:: https://github.com/overhangio/tutor-discovery/assets/122095701/2d588ea9-a830-40b6-9845-8fab56d7cb5a
    :alt: Add Custom Site for Explore Programs

Install extra requirements

In order to install extra requirements, use DISCOVERY_EXTRA_PIP_REQUIREMENTS and re-build the docker image.::

tutor config save \ --set 'DISCOVERY_EXTRA_PIP_REQUIREMENTS=["git+https://github.com/myusername/myplugin"]'

Then, build the image, pointing to your fork if necessary::

tutor images build discovery


To debug the course discovery service, you are encouraged to mount the course-discovery repo from the host in the development container:

tutor dev start --mount /path/to/course-discovery/ discovery

You can then access the development server at http://discovery.local.edly.io:8381. Feel free to add breakpoints (import pdb; pdb.set_trace()) anywhere in your source code to debug your application.

Once a local repository is mounted in the image, you will have to install nodejs dependencies and collect static assets::

tutor dev run discovery npm install --development
tutor dev run discovery make static.dev


This Tutor plugin is maintained by Muhammad Faraz Maqsood from Edly <https://edly.io/>. Community support is available from the official Open edX forum <https://discuss.openedx.org>. Do you need help with this plugin? See the troubleshooting <https://docs.tutor.edly.io/troubleshooting.html>__ section from the Tutor documentation.

Max retries exceeded with url

When running in production with HTTPS enabled, you may face this error during the `init` phase of `tutor local launch`:

requests.exceptions.ConnectionError: HTTPSConnectionPool(host='<LMS_HOST>', port=443): Max retries exceeded with url: /api/courses/v1/courses/?page=1&page_size=10&username=discovery

This error may be due to an incorrect DNS resolution of the LMS DNS record. With some cloud providers (for instance: [DigitalOcean](https://digitalocean.com/)) the `/etc/hosts` file on the host automatically contains the following entry:: <LMS HOST>

This entry may be present if you named your server with the LMS hostname.


This work is licensed under the terms of the `GNU Affero General Public License (AGPL) <https://github.com/overhangio/tutor/blob/master/LICENSE.txt>`_.