overthesun / simoc-sam

Live backend for SAM at Biosphere 2
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This repository contains a Docker container that include a sample socketio server and client that will be the foundation of the socketio server used in SAM.

Using the simoc-sam.py script

The repo contains a simoc-sam.py script used to simplify several operations. The script will automatically create a venv (virtual environment), install the dependencies, and run the commands inside the venv.

You can see the full list of commands with python simoc-sam.py -h, and you can run them with python simoc-sam.py COMMAND:

Using the venv manually

If you want to manually run some of the scripts inside the venv, you first have to activate the venv with source venv/bin/activate. You can execute commands after activating the venv is activated, and then leave the venv with deactivate.

Since the package is already installed within the venv, you can run the scripts by doing python -m simoc_sam.scriptname (see the TL;DR section for an example).

Installation and dependencies

If you are using the simoc-sam.py script, you only need Python.

If you are using the Docker container (see below), you need to have Docker installed.

If you are running the Python client or server outside the container, you need to install the aiohttp (only used by the server) and python-socketio (used by both) packages using:

python3 -m pip install python-socketio aiohttp

Additionally, for the tmux/ scripts you will need to install tmux with sudo apt install tmux.

Docker container usage

To build the Docker image using the Dockerfile included in the repo, run:

docker build . -t sioserver

You can then start the container with:

docker run --rm -it -p 8081:8080 sioserver

Once the container is running you can access the test client at

If you want to use a different port, use e.g. -p 8082:8080 and open instead.

When the image is built, both the server and the client (and all other files) are copied in the /sioserver directory of the container. This means that changes you do to these files won't be reflected unless you rebuild the image.

To avoid that, you can override the content of the /sioserver by using:

docker run --rm -it -p 8081:8080 -v `pwd`:/sioserver sioserver

After this you can edit the client and just reload the page to see the changes. If you modify the server you will have to restart it.

Connecting to the server

The repository includes two socketio clients:

To access the JS client simply open in the browser, with the server running inside or outside the Docker container.

To run the Python client run python3 sioclient.py. You can run the server inside the container and the Python client inside or outside.

Regardless of the setup you choose, you must ensure that you are using the correct port either in the URL (for the JS client) or as a command line argument (for the Python client). By default the server will serve on port 8081, unless you specified a different port with e.g. -p 8082:8080 while running the server inside the container.


This is a summary of the commands you need to run everything.


Start everything with:

sudo apt install tmux
python3 simoc-sam.py run-tmux

Start the server with:

python3 simoc-sam.py run-server

Start the sensor(s)/client(s):

user@host:path$ source venv/bin/activate
(venv) user@host:path$ python -m simoc_sam.sensors.mocksensor -v
(venv) user@host:path$ deactivate

You can run multiple sensors/clients on multiple terminal tabs (you have to activate the venv in each of them).


If you want to use Docker, do the initial setup (only needed once):

# build the image
docker build . -t sioserver
# install dependencies
python3 -m pip install python-socketio aiohttp
# install tmux (if using tmux/*.sh)
sudo apt install tmux

Start everything at once using tmux:


Start server/sensor(s)/client(s) separately:

# start the Docker container and the socketio server
docker run --rm -it -p 8081:8080 -v `pwd`:/sioserver sioserver
# start the fake sensor (on a new terminal tab on the host machine)
python3 mocksensor.py -v
# start the client (on a new terminal tab on the host machine)
python3 sioclient.py
# start a live sensor (on a new terminal tab on the host machine)
python3 scd30.py -v

You will see the mocksensor producing data and the server receiving and broadcasting them to all the connected clients. You can open to access the web client too. You can also run multiple sensors and clients at once. If you restart the server, the sensors and Python clients should reconnect automatically.


Run the tests in the venv with:

python simoc-sam.py test

If you want to run them manually outside the venv, install dependencies:

sudo pip install -U pytest pytest-asyncio

And then run the tests:

pytest -v