If you want to have more information about fuchsia, visit our website.
This folder contains the code source of the OW2 Chameleon Fuchsia project.
Fuchsia is licensed under the Apache License 2.0.
Fuchsia rely heavily on iPojo. Each Fuchsia component is an iPOJO component.
Here a few rules to be consistent :
A base is a module which manage dependencies for a protocol. It uses Maven DependencyManagement but can also contains sub-modules which are providing shared bundles in between the fuchsia components of the protocol.
Directory :
Maven configuration :
<name>OW2 Chameleon - Fuchsia Base {Protocol}</name>
Directory :
Maven configuration :
<name>OW2 Chameleon - Fuchsia Base {Protocol} : {sub-module_name}</name>
Directory :
Maven configuration :
<name>OW2 Chameleon - Fuchsia Importer {Protocol}</name>
<!-- OR -->
Directory :
Maven configuration :
<name>OW2 Chameleon - Fuchsia Importer {Protocol} [IntegrationTests]</name>
<!-- OR -->
Directory :
Maven configuration :
<name>OW2 Chameleon - Fuchsia Discovery {Protocol}</name>
<!-- OR -->
Directory :
Maven configuration :
<name>OW2 Chameleon - Fuchsia Discovery {Protocol} [IntegrationTests]</name>
<!-- OR -->
Directory :
Maven configuration :
<name>OW2 Chameleon - Fuchsia {Tool}</name>
Directory :
Maven configuration :
<name>OW2 Chameleon - Fuchsia {Tool} [IntegrationTests]</name>
The package name for the classes of a module must be equal to the artifactId of the module (i.e. for a discovery : "org.ow2.chameleon.fuchsia.discovery.{protocol}").
The tools are the exception, the package name for a tools must be : "org.ow2.chameleon.fuchsia.tools.{tool}".
Make commits of logical units. A commit should be one (and just one) logical unit. It should be something that someone might want to patch or revert in its entirety, and never piecewise. If it could be useful in pieces, make separate commits. This will result in short, clear, and concise commit messages. Non-atomic commits make for awful run-on commit messages.
Check for unnecessary whitespace with "git diff --check" before committing.
Do not check in commented out code or unneeded files.
Provide a meaningful commit message. The first line of the commit message should be a short description (50 characters is the soft limit, see DISCUSSION in git-commit(1)), and should skip the full stop. It's possible to prefix the first line with "area: " where the area is a filename or identifier for the general area of the code being modified, e.g.
The body should provide a meaningful commit message, which:
Describe your changes in imperative mood, e.g. "make xyzzy do frotz" instead of "[This patch] makes xyzzy do frotz" or "[I] changed xyzzy to do frotz", as if you are giving orders to the codebase to change its behaviour. Try to make sure your explanation can be understood without external resources. Instead of giving a URL to a mailing list archive, summarize the relevant points of the discussion.
Make sure that you have tests for the bug you are fixing.
Make sure that the test suite passes after your commit.