Install pnpm for faster dependency management
npm install --global pnpm
Install all Node modules
pnpm i
for the necessary environment variable template.
pnpm dev
├── github_templates # Python scripts for scraping/embedding GitHub template repos for matching
├── app/
│ └── api/ # API: Backend routes (keep as simple as possible, just define route. Define DB/GitHub/other logic under `src/lib`)
│ │ └── templates/
│ │ └── route.ts
│ └── page.tsx # Non-API folders: React routes, to be rendered at specific route according to dir path
├── components/
│ └── ui/ # ShadCN components automatically added under here using CLI (don't usually need to edit)
│ │ └── shadcn-component.tsx
│ │
│ └── our-custom-component.tsx # Custom reusable React components for our app
├── lib/
│ ├── db/ # Keep DB/query logic here (ex: creating a new Project)
│ │ ├── config.ts
│ │ ├── schema.ts # Source of truth for project's DB tables (via Drizzle models)
│ │ └── query/
│ │ └── project.ts
│ ├── github/ # Keep GitHub API integration calls here (ex: creating repos, issues, etc.)
│ │ └── user.ts
│ └── llm/ # LLM configs (ex: OpenAI, Google) and helper functions (ex: structured JSON output from prompts)
│ ├── config.ts
│ └── utils.ts
├── types/ # TypeScript type definitions and Zod schemas (ex: Idea, Project, ...)
└── index.ts
The source of truth for the project's DB schema is defined using Drizzle in src/lib/db/schema.ts
Updates to the DB schema can be made by modifying the TS definitions in this file and running the following commands:
npx drizzle-kit generate
npx drizzle-kit migrate
See Drizzle docs for more info about schema migration.
Important Notes:
TS function, not just in the TS table definition:
// Define the relations
export const projectRelations = relations(projects, ({ one }) => ({
owner: one(users, {
fields: [projects.owner_id],
references: [],