owncloud-archive / acceptance-testing

User stories and virtual machine configurations
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Acceptance Testing For OwnCloud

This repository contains two major components:

Preparing your system

For running the acceptance tests you have to setup rvm 1 and ruby. We recommend installing rvm in your home directory, but we support installing rvm system wide as well.

After installing rvm, you have to install ruby 1.9.3

$ rvm install 1.9.3

To run the tests with vagrant you have to install virtualbox and xvfb.

Running tests

Running tests on your own system

To keep the ownCloud repositories stable you should always test your code before pushing it. To ensure that your changes do not affect the rest of ownCloud you should run the acceptance test suite against your code on a regular base.

Running tests in your test environment

After cloning or updating this repository run

$ bundle install

to ensure that all required gems are installed.

To execute the tests run

$ cucumber HOST=$host features

Replace $host (e.g. cucumber HOST=localhost:8888/ownCloud/ features) with the address of your test environment.

Run single feature:

$ cucumber features/files.feature

Run single scenario:

$ cucumber features/files.feature:14

This runs the scenario in line 14.

Cucumber expects to find the following environment:

  1. A clone of owncloud-core

  2. An admin account with the name "admin" and the password "admin"

  3. An user account with the name "user1" and the password "user1"

  4. An user account with the name "user2" and the password "user2"

  5. An user account with the name "user3" and the password "user3"

  6. Users "user1" and "user2" are member of "group1"

To execute the tests with webkit (default is executed with firefox):

$ cucumber HOST=$host BROWSER='webkit' features

To execute the tests headless (default is non-headless):

$ cucumber HOST=$host HEADLESS=true features

Running tests with vagrant

To run the tests against the latest ownCloud master on as many environments as possible, you should use vagrant by simply executing

$ ./test-master.sh

Vagrant creates virtual machines with different setups (regarding webserver, browser, database backend, user backend) and runs the tests on them.

You can set up vitual machines using your local ownCloud repository. To do so you must copy your core repository to Vagrant/localsrc/core. Repeat this for apps and 3rdparty. Please note that it is not possible to use symlinks here.

After copying the files you can start the virtual machine by executing

$ vagrant up local_on_apache_with_sqlite

in the Vagrant folder. Once the machine is up you can run the cucumber against

Additionally, this test suite ships a script called run-tests.rb. It allows you to manage the vms very easily. run-tests has the following options:

--branch BRANCH       Only test the given branch. If a list is given any
                      vm that loads one of these branches will be loaded
--server SERVER       Only test ownCloud on the given webserver. If a list
                      is given any vm that uses one of these servers will
                      be loaded
--database DATABASE   Only test ownCloud with the given database. If a list
                      is given any vm that uses one of these servers will
                      be loaded
--feature FEATURE     Only use vms that have a certain feature. If a list
                      is given only vms that support all of these features
                      will be loaded
--action ACTION       Can be one or more of list, up, provision, halt,
                      suite, testdav, cucumber
                      Default: list

Don't use spaces when passing a list.

Example: Run litmus on all vms that use apache or nginx as a web server and use sqlite as database.

$ ruby run-tests.rb -s apache,nginx -d sqlite -a up,litmus,halt

Extending the test suite

Having a test suite is cool, but without constantly updating it the test suite becomes useless over time.

There are several ways to help us improving the test suite.

Writing new features

Writing user stories is really easy. Just have a look at the existing stories in /features and change them according to your needs.

Adapting features to changes in the UI

When an old test fails, there are several possible reasons.

Improving the Vagrant setup

You can easily add more setups to vagrant. We use chef solo for provisioning. All cookbooks in /Vagrant/cookbooks except the owncloud cookbook are copied from 2. You find instructions on installing additional cookbooks in /Vagrant/cookbooks/README.md .

When adding a new virtual machine please use the following naming schema:


where the last point refers to special setups like the user backends, group backends or file systems.

If you extend the cookbook please keep the following things in mind:

Known Issues

Selenium-webdriver not working with most recent Firefox version

Error if you run the cucumber tests: “unable to obtain stable firefox connection in 60 seconds”

Probably the selenium-webdriver isnt working with a new Firefox Version.

To fix try:

  $ gem update selenium-webdriver

  $ bundle update selenium-webdriver

If its working, update the version in the Gemfile

Vagrant missing berkshelf or omnibus

Error if you try to bring up the vagrant box: Vagrant: * Unknown configuration section 'berkshelf'.

You are missing the vagrant-berkshelf or vagrant-omnibus plugin:

   $ vagrant plugin install vagrant-berkshelf
   $ vagrant plugin install vagrant-omnibus

capybara-webkit needs qt

Gem::Installer::ExtensionBuildError: ERROR: Failed to build gem native extension. Command 'qmake -spec macx-g++' not available

You are missing the qt files:

On a mac with homebrew you can do:

  $ brew install qt

On Ubuntu its:

  $ sudo apt-get install qt4-default

Different vagrant box images included in the Vagrantfile

There are different box images commented out in the Vagrantfile. Activate the one you need. E.g: For Jenkins on a 64Bit system Debian is preferred.

Note on Patches/Pull Requests