owncloud-archive / news

:newspaper: News app for ownCloud
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
289 stars 106 forks source link

ownCloud News app

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Build Status Scrutinizer Code Quality

The News app is an RSS/Atom feed aggregator. It offers a RESTful API for app developers. The source code is available on GitHub

For further developer and user documentation please visit the wiki

Sync Clients

are listed on the ownCloud apps overview


Build Dependencies

These Dependencies are only relevant if you want to build the source code:

Supported Browsers

Supported Databases


Please read the appropriate section in the contributing notices


Before you install/update the News app

Before you install the app do the following:

Then proceed to install the app either from an archive (zip/tar.gz) or clone it from the repository using git

Installing from the app store

This is the easiest solution: Simply go the the apps page and enable the News app

Installing from archive

Installing from Git (development version)

To update the News app use change into the owncloud/apps/news/ directory using your terminal and then run:

git pull --rebase origin master

Performance Notices

Updating Notices

To receive notifications when a new News app version was released, simply add the following Atom feed in your currently installed News app:



My browser shows a mixed content warning (Connection is Not Secure)

If you are serving your ownCloud over HTTPS your browser will very likely warn you with a yellow warnings sign about your connection not being secure.

Chrome will show no green HTTPS lock sign, Firefox will show you the following image Mixed Passive Content

Note that this warning is not red and won't block the page like the following images which signal a serious issue:

Untrusted Cert Mixed Active Content

What is the cause of the (yellow) error message

This warning is caused by mixed passive content and means that your page loads passive resources from non HTTPS resources, such as:

This allows a possible attacker to perform a MITM (man-in-the-middle) attack by serving you different images or audio/video.

Why doesn't the News app fix it

The News app fully prevents mixed active content by only allowing HTTPS iframes from known locations; other possible mixed active content elements such as \ Githubissues.

  • Githubissues is a development platform for aggregating issues.