owncloud / owncloud-updater-server

Server component that responds to ownCloud Server update requests
MIT License
2 stars 2 forks source link

This is the server that is called from ownCloud to check if a new version of the server is available.

How to release a new update

  1. Adjust config/config.php for the update
  2. Adjust tests/integration/features/update.feature for the integration tests

If the tests are not passing the TravisCI test execution will fail.

Example calls

Deployed URL: http://updates.owncloud.com/server/ Example call: update-server/?version=8x2x0x12x1448709225.0768x1448709281xstablexx2015-10-19T18:44:30+00:00%208ee2009de36e01a9866404f07722892f84c16e3e

<?xml version="1.0"?>
  <versionstring>ownCloud 8.2.1</versionstring>

Testing against a production updater server instance

make test-production

Testing against any updater server instance

cd tests/integration
SERVER_PROTO="http" SERVER_HOST="example.org:8080/whatever" ../../vendor/bin/behat