ox-it / oidnChaRts

A collection of functions for building generic interactive htmlwidget visualisations. A complementary guide to htmlwidgets is developed here:
MIT License
5 stars 3 forks source link
data-visualisation data-visualization generic-interactive-visualisations highcharts htmlwidgets utility-library


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A collection of functions for building generic interactive htmlwidget visualisations, primarily to compare library "A" vs "B" but also usable in their own right.

Functions are in general called as follows:

              library = "leaflet")


This library is unlikely to be submitted to CRAN, it must be installed as follows:

devtools::install_github("ox-it/oidnChaRts", build_vignettes = TRUE)


Please note that the examples within this package use JavaScript libraries that have restrictive licensing conditions.

The highcharter library is dependent on highcharts.com which is free for non-commercial use only. Please review the licensing options and terms before using this software, as the oidnChaRts license neither provides nor implies a license for Highcharts.

All code within this library is made available under the MIT License.


The logo for this library uses the "ALL OF THE X" meme inspired by the wonderful work of Hyperbole and a Half - http://hyperboleandahalf.blogspot.com/2010/06/this-is-why-ill-never-be-adult.html

The majority of the credit for this library belongs to the htmlwidget library developers, including: