Wrong species value when using Anarci python library (pip install anarci) compared to the webapp version,but CDRs are exactly the same. Please see below.
For this sequence:
Output from Webapp shows that species is "mouse".
Output from command line version shows that species is "human".
Input sequence
ANARCI numbered
Domain 1 of 1
Most significant HMM hit
Scheme = imgt
Output from the python library shows that species is "human".
scheme = "imgt"
from anarci import anarci
n, x, _ = anarci(
sequences=[("id0", aaseq)],
hmmscan :: search sequence(s) against a profile database
HMMER 3.3 (Nov 2019); http://hmmer.org/
Copyright (C) 2019 Howard Hughes Medical Institute.
Freely distributed under the BSD open source license.
Wrong species value when using Anarci python library (pip install anarci) compared to the webapp version,but CDRs are exactly the same. Please see below. For this sequence:
Output from Webapp shows that species is "mouse".
Output from command line version shows that species is "human".
Output from the python library shows that species is "human".
[[{'id': 'human_H', 'description': '', 'evalue': 1.5e-52, 'bitscore': 168.2, 'bias': 0.2, 'query_start': 10, 'query_end': 124, 'species': 'human', 'chain_type': 'H', 'scheme': 'imgt', 'query_name': 'id0'}]]
Tested with python library version 1.3
and hmmscan version 3.3