oxpig / ANARCI

Antibody Numbering and Antigen Receptor ClassIfication
BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License
189 stars 92 forks source link
ANARCI                                                 \\    //
Antibody Numbering and Antigen Receptor ClassIfication  \\  //
(c) Oxford Protein Informatics Group (OPIG). 2015-20      ||

Author: James Dunbar (dunbar@stats.ox.ac.uk)
        Charlotte Deane (deane@stats.ox.ac.uk)

Contact: opig@stats.ox.ac.uk


ANARCI -i myfile.fasta 


The easiest way to install ANARCI and its dependencies is using conda

conda install -c conda-forge biopython -y
conda install -c bioconda hmmer=3.3.2 -y
python setup.py install

Further info

Output files

The numbering file (--outfile or stdout) reports the numbering for all sequences given in the sequence file. Each record is separated by "//". Those chains for which no significant alignment was found report the name as in the fasta file. e.g:


    Those sequences where a significant alignment has been found report as below: 

# ANARCI numbered
# Domain 1 of 1
# Most significant HMM hit
# Scheme = imgt
H 1       Q
H 2       V
H 3       Q
H 4       L
H 5       Q

    species          = The species of the most significant aligned HMM
    chain_type       = The chain type of the most significant aligned HMM
    e-value          = The e-value of the alignment to the most significant aligned HMM
    score            = The bit-score of the alignment to the most significant aligned HMM
    seqstart_index   = The index in the sequence of the first numbered residue
    seqend_index     = The index in the sequence of the last numbered residue
    Scheme           = The numbering scheme used to number the sequence

    Then follows the numbering. Chain type (H, L (for both kappa(K) and lambda(L) chain types) , A (alpha), B (beta))

    If the "assign_germline" option has been specified the further following lines are added to the header. e.g.

# Most sequence-identical germlines

    species          = The species of the most sequence identical germline
    v_gene           = The identifier of the most sequence identical germline over the v-region
    v_identity       = The sequence identity over the v-region to the most sequence identical germline
    j_gene           = The identifier of the most sequence identical germline over the j-region
    j_identity       = The sequence identity over the j-region to the most sequence identical germline
        NAME     1a14_H mol:protein length:120  NC10 FV (HEAVY CHAIN)
                   id       description            evalue          bitscore              bias   best_dom_evalue best_dom_bitscore     best_dom_bias    domain_exp_num    domain_obs_num
              mouse_H                             1.1e-57             184.5               1.5           1.3e-57             184.4               1.5               1.0                 1
              human_H                             7.8e-53             169.0               1.9           8.7e-53             168.8               1.9               1.0                 1
                rat_H                             4.7e-47             150.2               2.2           5.2e-47             150.0               2.2               1.0                 1
             rabbit_H                             3.7e-37             118.2               0.7             4e-37             118.1               0.7               1.0                 1
                pig_H                             1.5e-35             113.3               2.7           1.6e-35             113.1               2.7               1.0                 1
             rhesus_H                             4.4e-32             101.5               1.8           4.9e-32             101.4               1.8               1.0                 1
              mouse_B                             2.4e-19              60.6               0.7           2.6e-19              60.5               0.7               1.0                 1
              human_B                             4.2e-19              59.7               0.9           4.6e-19              59.5               0.9               1.0                 1
              mouse_A                             8.7e-19              58.5               1.1           9.6e-19              58.4               1.1               1.0                 1
              human_A                             1.7e-18              57.6               0.9           1.9e-18              57.5               0.9               1.0                 1
              mouse_D                             5.1e-17              53.3               0.7           5.9e-17              53.1               0.7               1.1                 1
             rhesus_L                             1.6e-16              51.7               2.7           1.9e-16              51.4               2.7               1.1                 1
              human_L                             1.7e-15              48.3               3.5             2e-15              48.0               3.5               1.1                 1
              human_D                             6.7e-15              46.1               0.2           7.4e-15              45.9               0.2               1.0                 1
             rhesus_K                             3.9e-13              40.6               1.7           5.1e-13              40.2               1.7               1.2                 1
              mouse_G                             4.1e-13              40.3               0.0           4.3e-13              40.2               0.0               1.0                 1
             rabbit_L                             6.1e-13              40.0               2.8           8.1e-13              39.6               2.8               1.2                 1
                rat_K                             3.9e-12              37.4               1.4           4.4e-12              37.2               1.4               1.1                 1
                pig_L                             4.2e-12              37.5               1.0           4.7e-12              37.3               1.0               1.1                 1
              mouse_K                             1.2e-11              35.7               2.6           1.3e-11              35.6               2.6               1.1                 1
              human_K                             2.2e-11              34.8               2.9           3.5e-11              34.2               2.9               1.4                 1
              mouse_L                             1.9e-10              31.8               2.2           3.4e-10              30.9               2.2               1.4                 1
                rat_L                             2.5e-10              31.7               1.2           2.9e-10              31.5               1.2               1.1                 1
                pig_K                             3.2e-10              31.1               1.9           4.5e-10              30.6               1.9               1.3                 1
              human_G                             2.9e-09              27.8               0.8           4.9e-09              27.1               0.8               1.4                 1
             rabbit_K                             2.5e-06              18.4               5.8           4.2e-06              17.7               5.8               1.4                 1

We therefore get a ranking of the alignments to each chain type.


Other species may still be numbered correctly and the chain type recognised but the species be incorrect. e.g. llama VHH.