oxzi / greenlight-ldap-sync

LDAP sync for BBB's Greenlight
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bigbluebutton greenlight ldap


The Greenlight web front-end for a BigBlueButton server allows an LDAP-based user authentication by following the LDAP Auth documentation section.

However, the user data is synchronized only upon first login from the LDAP to Greenlight's PostgreSQL database. Later synchronizations are currently not possible, as discussed in issue #1918. Those might be necessary if, for example, a user's name changes.

This tool, greenlight-ldap-sync, addresses this issue by performing a resync based on the already existing .env configuration file. It is designed to be easily integrated into a default Docker Compose-based installation.


The entire program is configured via environment variables. These are those from Greenlight's .env file plus the following ones:


The installation is done by adding this repository to the existing Greenlight installation and customizing the docker-compose.yml file.

# Change to your Greenlight directory, /opt/greenlight for me
cd /opt/greenlight

# Clone this repository within your greenlight directory
git clone https://github.com/oxzi/greenlight-ldap-sync.git

Edit Greenlight's docker-compose.yml file and append a new service to the file. The following example would perform a sync every hour.

      context: ./greenlight-ldap-sync
    env_file: .env
      - SYNC_INTERVAL=1h
    restart: unless-stopped
      - db

Finally, you need to restart Docker Compose. The initial start with the new container might take a while, as it needs to be built first.


As greenlight-ldap-sync tries to honor Greenlight's .env file, it should be copied to this directory.

By default, Greenlight's PostgreSQL database daemon is only reachable within the Docker network. However, one can tunnel the PostgreSQL port to the development machine via SSH.

# Fetch container's IP address on the BBB host
user@bbb:~$ sudo docker inspect -f '{{ .NetworkSettings.IPAddress }}' greenlight_db_1

# Reconnect and bind the container's port locally
user@local:~$ ssh -L 5432: bbb

Afterwards, the DB_HOST variable within the local .env file should be altered to DB_HOST=localhost.

Since the deployment is realized via Docker Compose, a Docker container can also be used for development. The necessary environment variables both from the .env file as well as those for greenlight-ldap-sync can be passed via command line arguments.

docker build -t greenlight-ldap-sync .

docker run --rm \
  --env-file .env \
  --env SYNC_DEBUG=on \
  --env SYNC_INTERVAL=10s \
  --network=host \


GNU GPLv3 or later.