oyvindwe / connectlife-ha

ConnectLife integration for Home Assistant
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Add a "helper" to allow users to create their own data dictionaries #31

Open trajano opened 2 weeks ago

trajano commented 2 weeks ago

Not sure how possible this is, but it would be nice to have a "helper" that contains the data dictionary which allows reset to "state in the repo" and provide somehow a way of calling github with the PR or issue generation.

This will allow experimentation locally before sending it up and waiting for integration.

oyvindwe commented 2 weeks ago

I'm using a YAML editor (in IDEA IntelliJ) that validates against the provided JSON schema, that is very helpful.

I also expect it to be easier to contribute data dictionaries when there are more samples to look at. I'm trying to complete the code first, and then I plan to add some dictionaries for some of the devices that I have received dumps form here: https://github.com/oyvindwe/connectlife/tree/main/dumps

trajano commented 2 weeks ago

Yeah I do something similar but I'd rather test it before I create a PR. I think what should happen is I fork the repo and change HACS to point to that one so I can make the changes and push to your repo for an official PR.

oyvindwe commented 2 weeks ago

That is one possibilty.

I am running a dev version of HA where I have symlinked in my local conncetlife-ha repo into custom_components:

home-assistant % ls -l config/custom_components 
total 0
lrwxr-xr-x  1 omw  staff  53 May  7 08:39 connectlife -> ../../../connectlife-ha/custom_components/connectlife

That gives me a very short roundtrip for testing. This HA instance only runs the the integrations I'm actively developing.

oyvindwe commented 2 weeks ago

I have added an option to connectlife.dump (connectlife) that generate data dictionary skeletons. I think that should be useful.