ozfortress / citadel

esports league framework by ozfortress.
MIT License
25 stars 25 forks source link


Build Status codecov Code Climate

Open Source, Web-based league system designed for games such as Team Fortress 2.



You will need for running:

You will also need for testing:

To configure secrets (ie. steam API key) for development, run rails credentials:edit.


Here are some specific install instructions for operating systems/distributions.


Use either RVM or rbenv to install Ruby 2.3.3.

Install postgres with:

sudo apt install postgresql

Then install all native dependencies required to install this project's gems:

sudo apt install libpq-dev imagemagick

Then install this project's gems:

bundle install

Or alternatively, if you don't want any of the test/development dependencies:

bundle install --without test development

If you're planning on running the test suite, you will also need to install a js runtime. Install nodejs like this:

sudo apt install nodejs


This project uses rspec, rubocop, haml-lint and rails-best-practices for testing and linting.

To set up the database for testing, run: rake parallel:setup.

All of these can be run in one command with rake:

# or
rake test