p-sun / iOSMultiplayerTemplate

Bluetooth or Wifi Networking with Apple's Multipeer Connectivity framework.
MIT License
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iOSMultiplayerTemplate / P2PKit

P2PKit is a Bluetooth or WiFi Networking framework for hackathons! It is uses Apple's Multipeer Connectivity and works for all iOS, including Vision Pro, iPhone, and iPad.


Game Demo

You're the mallet with the star. When the white puck enters a hole, the last person to touch the white puck with their mallet scores a point!




Use P2PSynced to sync Codable data

P2PSynced is the easiest way to sync data across devices.

let syncedRoom = P2PSynced<GameRoom>(
        name: "GameRoom",
        initial: GameRoom(),
        writeAccess: .hostOnly, // Optional param. Defaults to .everyone has write access. If using .hostOnly, set host with `P2PNetwork.makeMeHost()`.
        reliable: true) // Optional param. Defaults to false. Reliable sending is slower but preserves order and doesn't drop messages.

// GET data
syncedRoom.onReceiveSync = { gameRoom in }

syncedRoom.value = GameRoom(...) 

Use P2PSyncedObservable with Swift UI

Use P2PSyncedObservable, a light wrapper around P2PSynced, with SwiftUI.

In this example, an Int value is sent between devices to sync a counter.

struct SyncedCounter: View {
    @StateObject private var counter = P2PSyncedObservable(name: "SyncedCounter", initial: 1)

    var body: some View {
        Button("+ 1") {
            counter.value = counter.value + 1 // SET VALUE
        Text("Counter: \(counter.value)") // RECEIVE VALUE

Similarily, in the SyncedCircles example, the Codable object SendableCircle, is synced across all devices.

@StateObject var blueCircle = P2PSyncedObservable(name: "blue", initial: SendableCircle(point: CGPoint(x: 300, y: -26)))
@StateObject var greenCircle = P2PSyncedObservable(name: "green", initial: SendableCircle(point: CGPoint(x: 260, y: -10)))

let sendableCircle = blueCircle.value

blueCircle.value = SendableCircle(point: newPoint)

Use P2PEventService to send/receive Codable events

let malletDraggedEvents = P2PEventService<MalletDragEvent>("MalletDrag")

malletDraggedEvents.onReceive { eventInfo, malletDragEvent, json, sender in
  // Handle malletDragEvent

malletDraggedEvents.send(payload: MalletDragEvent(...), reliable: false)


Get myself and connected peers.

let myPeer: Peer = P2PNework.myPeer
let connectedPeers: [Peer] = P2PNework.connectedPeers

Observe peer updates with P2PNetworkPeerDelegate. When connectedPeers update, the p2pNetwork(didUpdate peer: Peer) handler will be called.

protocol P2PNetworkPeerDelegate: AnyObject {
    func p2pNetwork(didUpdate peer: Peer)
    func p2pNetwork(didUpdateHost host: Peer?)

(Optional) Reset the session.

P2PNework.resetSession("New Display Name") // Change display name.
P2PNework.resetSession(nil) // Keep current display name.

(Optional) Get and set the host for all connected devices. Not all games need a host.

let currentHost: Peer? = P2PNework.host

Bonus: Host Features

Host Selection


Host resumes data

When the current device connects to a host, P2PSynced and P2PSyncedObservable will sync the latest data from the host.
