p208p2002 / Transformer-QG-on-SQuAD

Implement Question Generator with SOTA pre-trained Language Models (RoBERTa, BERT, GPT, BART, T5, etc.)
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albert api-server bart bert flask gpt2 pytorch-lightning question-generation question-generator roberta squad t5-model text-generation

Transformer QG on SQuAD Auto-Build

Implement Question Generator with SOTA pre-trained Language Models (RoBERTa, BERT, GPT, BART, T5, etc.)

The inputs of the model refers to

we integrate C and A into a new C' in the following form.
C' = [c1, c2, ..., [HL], a1, ..., a|A|, [HL], ..., c|C|]

Proposed by Ying-Hong Chan & Yao-Chung Fan. (2019). A Re-current BERT-based Model for Question Generation.



Data setting

We report two dataset setting as Follow



Available models


We report score with NQG Scorer which is using in SQuAD NQG.

If not special explanation, the size of the model defaults to "base".


Model Bleu 1 Bleu 2 Bleu 3 Bleu 4 METEOR ROUGE-L
BERT-HLSQG (reimplement, FP16) 51.11 34.73 25.66 19.56 22.77 47.91
BART-HLSQG 54.67 39.26 30.34 24.15 25.43 52.64
GPT2-HLSQG 49.31 33.95 25.41 19.69 22.29 48.82
T5-HLSQG 54.29 39.22 30.43 24.26 25.56 53.11


Model Bleu 1 Bleu 2 Bleu 3 Bleu 4 METEOR ROUGE-L
BERT-HLSQG (Chan et al.) 49.73 34.60 26.13 20.33 23.88 48.23
BERT-HLSQG (reimplement, FP16) 50.48 33.82 24.52 18.36 22.11 47.01
BART-HLSQG 54.12 38.19 28.84 22.35 24.55 51.03
GPT2-HLSQG 49.82 33.69 24.71 18.63 21.90 47.60
T5-HLSQG 53.13 37.60 28.62 22.38 24.48 51.20

Using with Transformers


from transformers import AutoTokenizer, AutoModelForSeq2SeqLM

tokenizer = AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained("p208p2002/bart-squad-qg-hl")

model = AutoModelForSeq2SeqLM.from_pretrained("p208p2002/bart-squad-qg-hl")


from transformers import AutoTokenizer, AutoModelForSeq2SeqLM

tokenizer = AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained("p208p2002/t5-squad-qg-hl")

model = AutoModelForSeq2SeqLM.from_pretrained("p208p2002/t5-squad-qg-hl")

and more on HF Model Hub!

Run as API server

Using docker (recommend)

docker run -it -p 5000:5000 p208p2002/transformer-qg-on-squad:lastest train_seq2seq_lm.py --server --base_model p208p2002/bart-squad-qg-hl

From your own checkpoint

python train_xxx_lm.py --server --base_model YOUR_BASE_MODEL --from_checkpoint FROM_CHECKPOINT

Request example

curl --location --request POST '' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded' \
--data-urlencode 'context=Harry Potter is a series of seven fantasy novels written by [HL] J. K. Rowling. [HL]'
{"predict": "Who wrote the books?"}

Training from scratch

Environment setup

The hole development is based on Ubuntu system

  1. If you don't have pytorch please install or update first (torch>=1.6,<1.8)


  2. Install packages pip install -r requirements.txt

  3. Setup scorer python setup_scorer.py

  4. Download dataset python init_dataset.py

Seq2Seq LM

usage: train_seq2seq_lm.py [-h]
                           [--base_model {facebook/bart-base,facebook/bart-large,t5-small,t5-base,t5-large,p208p2002/bart-squad-qg-hl,p208p2002/bart-squad-nqg-hl,p208p2002/t5-squad-qg-hl,p208p2002/t5-squad-nqg-hl}]
                           [-d {squad,squad-nqg}] [--epoch EPOCH] [--lr LR]
                           [--dev DEV] [--server] [--run_test]
                           [-fc FROM_CHECKPOINT]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --base_model {facebook/bart-base,facebook/bart-large,t5-small,t5-base,t5-large,p208p2002/bart-squad-qg-hl,p208p2002/bart-squad-nqg-hl,p208p2002/t5-squad-qg-hl,p208p2002/t5-squad-nqg-hl}
  -d {squad,squad-nqg}, --dataset {squad,squad-nqg}
  --epoch EPOCH
  --lr LR
  --dev DEV
  -fc FROM_CHECKPOINT, --from_checkpoint FROM_CHECKPOINT

Causal LM

usage: train_causal_lm.py [-h]
                          [--base_model {gpt2,gpt2-large,p208p2002/gpt2-squad-qg-hl,p208p2002/gpt2-squad-nqg-hl}]
                          [-d {squad,squad-nqg}] [--epoch EPOCH] [--lr LR]
                          [--dev DEV] [--server] [--run_test]
                          [-fc FROM_CHECKPOINT]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --base_model {gpt2,gpt2-large,p208p2002/gpt2-squad-qg-hl,p208p2002/gpt2-squad-nqg-hl}
  -d {squad,squad-nqg}, --dataset {squad,squad-nqg}
  --epoch EPOCH
  --lr LR
  --dev DEV
  -fc FROM_CHECKPOINT, --from_checkpoint FROM_CHECKPOINT

Masked LM

usage: train_masked_lm.py [-h] [--base_model {bert-base-uncased,bert-large-uncased,roberta-base,roberta-large,albert-base-v1,albert-large-v1,albert-base-v2,albert-large-v2}]
                          [--batch_size BATCH_SIZE] [-d {squad,squad-nqg}] [--epoch EPOCH] [--lr LR] [--dev DEV] [--server] [--run_test] [-fc FROM_CHECKPOINT] [--precision {16,32}]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --base_model {bert-base-uncased,bert-large-uncased,roberta-base,roberta-large,albert-base-v1,albert-large-v1,albert-base-v2,albert-large-v2}
  --batch_size BATCH_SIZE
  -d {squad,squad-nqg}, --dataset {squad,squad-nqg}
  --epoch EPOCH
  --lr LR
  --dev DEV
  -fc FROM_CHECKPOINT, --from_checkpoint FROM_CHECKPOINT
  --precision {16,32}, -fp {16,32}