p3l6 / HappyHour

MIT License
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A daily standup tool


This is a small application for MacOS that may help you keep track of notes for your daily standup. Especially if your standups are conducted asynchronously via Email, Slack, etc. It runs as a menu bar application, so it doesn't clutter your dock.

The screenshot above will produce a message ready to paste into your standup thread, similar to this:

✅ Rewrite some code PR 123
✅ Fix that annoying bug BUG-4 PR 124
➡️ Out on holiday tomorrow
⁉️ I'm blocked waiting for answers from QA on BUG-7
Will we ship on time? 🤷
Is Jira up to date?


Keyboard shortcuts

Shortcut Action
⌘ E Copy to clipboard
⌘ R Reset lists
⌘ P Show Preview popup
⌘ / Show help popup


  1. Open the xcode project (Big sur required)
  2. Build and run